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Aquastream vibration

Dienstag, 12. September 2006, 13:18

I've got a question about the aquastream 12V pump.

I especially bought the aquastream because it should be the most quiet pump on the market. After bleeding the system my pump is the most noisy part of the setup. It hums with an almost 50Hz sound like a bad transformer.
How quiet is "quiet" supposed to be. Is this a normal sound for the most silent waterpump on the market.

My setup contains:
-Aquastream pump (duh) -Black Ice Extreme II rad -Asetek antartica CPU koeler -Innovatek cool-matic NV40LE GPU koeler -MIPS chipset koeler op een DFI Lanparty NF4 ultra-D bord.

Re: Aquastream vibration

Dienstag, 12. September 2006, 15:02

Welcome to the forum :)

Zitat von »Dread-Naught«

After bleeding the system my pump is the most noisy part of the setup. It hums with an almost 50Hz sound like a bad transformer.

I hope that doesn't mean that you run it without water?!

Maybe a bit air is inside the pump. Try to get it out. Also important for almost every pump: a good decoupled mount because the pump will pass its little vibrations on the case.

Re: Aquastream vibration

Dienstag, 12. September 2006, 16:43

No, I never ran the setup without water. I meant, I let all the air out (I hope).

Together with the pump I bought decoupling rubbersat AC to decouple the pump from the chassis.
When I force air into the pump, I immediately see the air leave the pump through the exhaust with no change in sound or vibration (ie. it doesnt get worse).
I rocked my case every wich way to shake out the air but still no difference.


Junior Member

Re: Aquastream vibration

Dienstag, 12. September 2006, 18:42

Zitat von »Dread-Naught«

No, I never ran the setup without water. I meant, I let all the air out (I hope).

Together with the pump I bought decoupling rubbersat AC to decouple the pump from the chassis.
When I force air into the pump, I immediately see the air leave the pump through the exhaust with no change in sound or vibration (ie. it doesnt get worse).
I rocked my case every wich way to shake out the air but still no difference.

Where did you place the Aquastream? Sometimes if an Aquastream is mounted on the top side of the case, like mounting it in the 5.25" bays or something, it can vibrate. Try to place it so low as possible on the ground plate of your case.

I heard from some people by changing your loop, vibrations could be bring less noise. Dunno if this is true, but you can atleast try it :)
Ich bin ein Tukker :)

Re: Aquastream vibration

Mittwoch, 20. September 2006, 12:20

Sorry for the (very) late reaction :-[

I took part of the setup apart to get rid of the annoying hum (that's why I couldn't react). I rerouted the tubing to get a greater length of tube between the pump and the rest of the setup. I hoped to isolate the pump better this way. It didn't help much.

But finally [green]I got the problem sorted[/green]. Because of a tip on a forum, I took out the decoupling rubbers and put the pump directly on a piece of foam normally used as packaging material.

So for anyone else having the same problem.
- Take a piece of foam, about 1 centimeter thick.
- Put the pump on top of it, leave it like that (do not fix it in any way).
- Et voila, no more annoying hum.

Thanx to Shoggy and Oxize for trying to help.

Re: Aquastream vibration

Mittwoch, 20. September 2006, 15:12

My sandwich solution ;)

It's also transportable.

Re: Aquastream vibration

Mittwoch, 20. September 2006, 16:04

Your solution is a "deluxe" version ;D

My solution can be transported as long as you keep your case right-side-up


Junior Member

Re: Aquastream vibration

Mittwoch, 20. September 2006, 16:06

I used also some foam when i installed it. Works better then the decoupeling screws ;D
Ich bin ein Tukker :)