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Sven - Admin

new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Friday, September 1st 2006, 7:36pm

In the middle of septemer the new USB controller poweradjust for Laing pumps will be available. With the help of this smart unit you are able to control ypur Laing pump or other stuff with a max. power of 30W. The controller uses a programmable DC voltage (no PWM).

For the Laing pump it will offer you the following features:

- parameterizable start burst
- measurement of the maximum speed
- parameterizable deaeration-program
- adjustable voltage
- adjustable rotation value
- passing the tachosignal to the mainboard or
- production of a "ok signal" in the controller
- speed monitor with renewed burst if the pump stops

Besides all these features you are able to configure the controlling rules including a max. and min. rotation speed which is important for other pumps.

The controller has programmable jumpers which can be used with presets.

Little bonus: you can connect a flow meter to the controller.

The poweradjust controller will be available as standard and as LT version. Price starts at 29.90 Euro including cable and aquasuite.

The standard version (30W) is air-cooled while it is possible to watercool it with a voltage regulator block for Abit boards (see third picture).

A few pictures:


Junior Member

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Saturday, September 2nd 2006, 2:13pm

Can you bridge this controller with the Aquaaero like the AS controller?

Does this controller have functions what AS dont have?

Furthermore, its a verry nice controller. I like this adjusting thingies. What should i take now ;D Laing or AS ???

Ich bin ein Tukker :)



Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Saturday, September 2nd 2006, 5:23pm

aquastream - it's the best choice. Believe me.


Junior Member

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 3:56pm

But CAN it be bridged to the aquaero like the
AS or not?



Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 4:33pm



Junior Member

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 6:19pm

Why not?!
Sometimes it's hard to understand your decisions.
I for once and many others out there that have aquaeros and DDC would see this new controller as a good option when combined.


Sven - Admin

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 6:52pm

In the first instance, AC will support their own products. A communication option would also made the controller more expensive and the aquaero would need an adjusted firmware. The memory of this little device isn't infinite. I guess they want to save it for their own products.

Using Laing with aquaero is like president Bush would share a bed with Anastacia ;D



Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 7:30pm

Shoggy - you are right :)

That's the thing. The Laing DDC pumps are not an unique AC product and the controller is made for all users of Laing pumps - which is mainly not the group of AC users.
So USB was a better choice in our opinion. Our own products will be supported by aquabus (and USB).

Certainly there are less hardware controlling options through the aquaero in this case. But you have the possibility to use the RPM detection of the mainboard for error detection.


Junior Member

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 7:32pm

Is EHEIM a AC "own product"? You just tweaked the pump electronics - hence the controller, the pump is an ordinary Eheim 300 pump, no more no less.

As for politics, i leave it to the people concerned.


Sven - Admin

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 8:02pm

The thing is: the aquastream is a collaboration of AC and Eheim with a view to efficiency and low noise level. This pump matches the philosophy of AC.

The Laing on the other hand is completly build by another company and it does not fit in the philosophy because this pump is quite loud.



Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 8:08pm

Quoted from "Jag"

the pump is an ordinary Eheim 300 pump, no more no less.

No, the Aquastream is not based on an Eheim 300 pump. Its based on an Eheim 1046 Pump


Full Member

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Tuesday, September 5th 2006, 8:37pm

will the controller work with all Laing pumps?


Junior Member

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Wednesday, September 6th 2006, 6:05am

How about a screen shot of the software in English?

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Thursday, November 23rd 2006, 5:57am

Is the software in English too ?

If i buy this item from Aqua Computer how much
all in including postage to London UK would it cost . ?



Full Member

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Thursday, November 23rd 2006, 10:37am

Hi there,

The sowftware is in german as defualt but you can change it to english.

If your in the UK your best bet would be us (www.aqua-pcs.co.uk) we have these in stock and delivery is £4.95

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Thursday, November 23rd 2006, 12:12pm

Quoted from "Ice_Tea"

Is the software in English too ?

If i buy this item from Aqua Computer how much
all in including postage to London UK would it cost . ?


just go to checkout .. you will see shipping there.

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Monday, November 27th 2006, 3:11pm

If the poweradjust USB unit can not restart the pump if it stops
will the unit sound and alarm or close down the PC ?

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Monday, November 27th 2006, 11:58pm

For the software, do the SDK aquasuite is updated for the poweradjust ? In your screen, the poweradjust is in a aquasuite windows, so perhaps we can monitor the data of poweradjust.

Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Saturday, December 2nd 2006, 2:05am

Hello and good evening!

could anyone tell me if the poweradjust is also avaible in BLACK?

I also would like to know if I can buy it in PORTUGAL.

I have seen that you charge for shipment costs 19,90!! (I can not read German, Sorry!) is that correct?


Re: new: poweradjust USB for Laing® pumps

Saturday, December 2nd 2006, 5:28am

Quoted from "euonline"

could anyone tell me if the poweradjust is also avaible in BLACK?
if it's ok for you, you can use the the exchange front plate of the aquastream which fits the poweradjust nicely (although it reads "aquastream")


I also would like to know if I can buy it in PORTUGAL.

I don't kno w about aquacomputer, but you can try http://www.aqua-computer-berlin.de/ a reseller.
Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.