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Junior Member

First water-cooling - way too many different opinions (which makes it all the more harder)

Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008, 00:07

For some reason it is easier for me to write in English :whistling: Probably because I left Germany 10 years ago :thumbsup:

Anyway .. maybe someone here could help a n00b with his first water cooled system. I tried now to get help on so many forums, but I still have no idea what to do. So please bear with me :love:

I did not buy ANYTHING just yet - I prefer to plan every thoroughly until I have killed every forum and search engine out there .. Costs time but saves money me thinks.

Here is my plan :

As case I want to buy the Cosmos-S - it is simply a stunning case .. this is the only bit which I KNOW I will buy either way.

I have currently a GeForce 8800 Ultra (768MB) and a Intel Quad Extreme QX9650 which I intend to watercool. In addition to that I am using 8 SAS disks. I didn't REALLY think about cooling the disks, but every watercooling solution for hard disks seem to deaden the sound as well .. with 8x15k RPM disks a rather pleasant thought.

What I came up with so far (apart from the case obviously) is

For the graphics card : "aquagraFX"

For the disks : aquadrive x4 - two of them

Pump : aquastream XT USB Ultra

CPU : cuplex XT di

Raid card (as discussed in another thread) : twinplex pro

Radiator : No idea - I know that some XSPC ones fit in the cosmos-S and someone mentioned that the airplex 360 fits too - but I am not sure.

Reservoir : I would prefer a drive bay one ..

The big question now is : "Does it fit" ... I mean I don't even know if the pump and radiator would be powerful enough to drive all that.

Another big question : Those X4 Aquadrives come with a reservoir as well .. so can you get the whole loop air free with like three reservoirs ?

Can you guys give me any other suggestions ?


Junior Member

Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008, 19:35

Hard drives don't consume a great deal of power at all. They get very hot because they don't have cooling. I've no idea what's "inside" an Aquadrive though, but it won't add much heat to the loop.


Junior Member

Freitag, 19. Dezember 2008, 23:21

Problem is not heat - NEVER had heating problems when it comes to hard drives... the ONLY reason I want to use the Aqua Drive is for noise reduction really.


Junior Member

Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008, 01:37

The point was that you can add them to a loop without having a big impact on the heat it needs to dissipate. :)

Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008, 10:53

the only problem you might get when adding harddrives to your cooling loop, is that you might rather heat them up than cooling them (depending on the watertemperature). so if you add your harddrives to the loop, make sure the radiator is big enough to keep the watertemps below about 30-35°C all the time.
and the aquastream XT will handle that kind of loop just fine, dont't worry.
about three reservoirs: that's no problem, the only "side effect" is that one or two of the reservoirs might fill up with water completly (which is only a visual annoyance ;) )
Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.


Junior Member

Samstag, 20. Dezember 2008, 18:06

Ah I see I understand now :P

The only thing I don't like with those Aquadrives is cable .. at the moment I am using a NetStor 4in3 SAS backplane which uses just one cable to the raid card to drive 4 disks .. So when I use the Aquadrive I will have to get 8 SAS cable rather than two mini sas connectors ..

Anyway - thanks for the info so far - more to think about :P

What about the CPU cooler ? Which one should I use really ? I see I can spend everything between 10 and 200 Euro :P


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 25. Dezember 2008, 00:50

Well, thinking about it logically it doesn't affect the rest of the loop which CPU block you choose. The same amount of heat is going into the loop. However the better the CPU block the nearer the CPU core will be to the water temperature. The exception to this is that the more restrictive the CPU block, the less speed the water will flow at, hence the hotter every other component will get compared to the water.

Personally I'd suggest going all out on the CPU block, and everything else, including graphics card just need cooled, they don't need to be brought down as low as possible, just the heat removed.