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AquaStream XT Ultra dimensions

Freitag, 23. Januar 2009, 00:41

I am trying to figure out where I can fit the pump in my case with the rest of the water cooling and computer parts. Can someone please post the dimensions (width x length x height in mm) of the AquaStream XT Ultra (without fittings) ? If possible, provide the dimensions with and without the base plate (because from what I can see on the pictures, the base plate looks wider than the actual pump).
When I know these details then I can properly plan everything inside the case (fittings, tubing, wiring, ...) and see if it all fits or not.

Thanks in advance for the info. :thumbup:


Full Member

Freitag, 23. Januar 2009, 02:01

My pump is mounted in an awkward place to measure but I was able to get these dimensions from a spec. sheet.

112 x 72 x 52mm
(L x H x W)

I am going to swap my USB cable over to aquabus this weekend, if you are still in need I can give you the baseplate dimension then.

Freitag, 23. Januar 2009, 02:23

hi here are the dimensions:
with base plate: (wlh
75 x 112 x72mm)
base plate is (wlh 75 x 71 x 7mm)
without base plate: (wlh 52 x 112 x 65mm)

I hope you know that the adapters for in- and outlet are required.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Ditech88« (23. Januar 2009, 02:25)

Use your aquadrops :thumbsup:

Freitag, 23. Januar 2009, 11:56

Thanks a lot for the help, folks !!! :thumbsup: Now I can get to work trying to figure out the best possible way to place everything.
Hopefully everything will fit in my little case... :S