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Clarification Needed

Freitag, 23. Februar 2007, 22:21

1. If i buy a aquaduct 360 XT externe Wasserkühlung mit aquaero
What tabs will show up in aquasuite?

2.Is the solution sufficient to cool 1cpu(X2-4400),2 Chipsets(Nvidia Nf4), 2 Volt Regulators,2 Graphic Cards (GF7900GTX). 4 aquadrive dual (6*7200rpm and 2*10.000rpm) and 4 sticks of DDR2(PC3200) All running on stock speeds, and still operate with low noise?

Re: Clarification Needed

Montag, 26. Februar 2007, 21:42

Zitat von »Birks«

1. If i buy a aquaduct 360 XT externe Wasserkühlung mit aquaero
What tabs will show up in aquasuite?

all tabs are same with the aquaero, only the overview page is a other.

Zitat von »Birks«

2.Is the solution sufficient to cool 1cpu(X2-4400),2 Chipsets(Nvidia Nf4), 2 Volt Regulators,2 Graphic Cards (GF7900GTX). 4 aquadrive dual (6*7200rpm and 2*10.000rpm) and 4 sticks of DDR2(PC3200) All running on stock speeds, and still operate with low noise?

this configuration runs without any problems with low noise.
The noise is dependet on the water /ambient temperature. (if your System runs with 35°C water temperatue, it´s very silent in the majority of cases)
