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Need help choosing for overclocking

Samstag, 17. Februar 2007, 06:19

i want to overclock a e6400 a lot and want to watercool chipset ,ram, 2 hard drives, gpu (8800gtx)

what size of radiator is enough is the 360 big enough ore is 240 big enough ?? ore should i use both i was thinking like haveing the flow from pump to 360 to cpu then to the 240 then to the rest of the components and back to pump(tank)

ore is that total overkill

and if i need to run 6 fans on the aquaero what is the best way to do that is there any expansion for that ore can u use the multiswitcher for that how does that work then can u adjust all the fans on multiswitcher the same way you do with the aquaero (say that 2 fans from one radiator is on the aqauero and 1 fan is on the multiswitcher)

Re: Need help choosing for overclocking

Samstag, 17. Februar 2007, 10:49

Hey the 240 would do that no problems although i would advise getting the 360 if you can ;)

Re: Need help choosing for overclocking

Freitag, 2. März 2007, 05:06

hey again if i am going for the 360 i can ass well have the 240 to becouse the cabinett i am buying have a top in the back mount for the 240

but the 360 needs to be mounted in 8 of the 5,25 bays (its a cube case so there will be plenty room for the rest of the drives

but it dosnt cost that much ekstra to get the 240 also if i go for the 360

is it a good ide to do what i sad take the flow from 360 to the cpu and then to 240 and to the rest of the components

becousei want to try to keep noise down and aswell be able to overclock lots

Re: Need help choosing for overclocking

Freitag, 2. März 2007, 09:27

that would be fine and give you great cooling