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Junior Member

where can I download Aquastream Aquasuite newest software

Freitag, 8. Mai 2009, 10:15


I just purchased Aquastream XT and am trying to find a link to download all the software I need.

Can you please provide me the link so I can download the English version of software?



Freitag, 8. Mai 2009, 10:22

Hello Dam.

You can find the current version of the Aquasuite hier http://aquacomputer.de/software.html. The software for the aquasuite is multilanguage. I think the english language should be choosable too. :rolleyes:

Kind regards.
"Man kann nicht immer gewinnen! Wer es aber nicht versucht, hat schon verloren."


Junior Member

Freitag, 8. Mai 2009, 10:28

Gee, tks so much!! I just downloaded and install the software fine...so I don't need any firmware update?

Hope this is all I need to control the pump...

Freitag, 8. Mai 2009, 14:11

Gee, tks so much!! I just downloaded and install the software fine...so I don't need any firmware update?

Hope this is all I need to control the pump...

The firmware may be needed for specific problems. You will need a special wiring connector to accomplish this through a parallel port. This tool can either be purchased from AC or you can make up your own (sorry, but it is in German, but is easily discernible if you know anything about electronics). (Software is located here).



From here

Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009, 06:46

Here is a link from where you can download: