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Junior Member

Aquastream XT frequency setting

Freitag, 15. Mai 2009, 20:15

I have just purchased this pump and I think this is the best wc pump out there. so quiet, too..

But I have just one question...under the software the max frequency is set to 100 but if I set

it to manual it can only go up to about 70. Is this normal...

Again, I am very excited about this product!!

Samstag, 16. Mai 2009, 13:31

The 100Hz is only the theoretical maximum. If you use the automatic frequency setting the pump will detect the best operating frequency itself. Any higher value would cause problems and the pump can't run stable at this frequency so it will stop and start again up to the last frequency which was stable.

In manual mode you can set what you want but you will never be able to go beyond the maximum frequency from the automatic mode since this is the highest frequency which your pump can handle in your loop. Another loop might have a higher or lower maximum frquency. It depends a lot on the restriction in your loop. A higher restriction will lead to a higher frequency.

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