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Junior Member

good advice for flow sensor.

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009, 01:22


I have a couple of questions.1st will the Koolance INS-FM17 coolant flow meter work with the aquastream XT ultra and its software?
2nd the ultra water pump ,does it suck from the front or the top?
3rd do I need to register my aquastream XT ultra pump for any warranty purposes ?

Thank you!

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »pgr13« (27. Mai 2009, 01:25)

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009, 15:06

Welcome to the forum :)

1.) Do you have any technical data about this sensor. Escpecially its working voltage and the number of impulses per minute?

2.) It sucks from the side.

3.) No, you don't need a registration. The only real important thing is the invoice - keep it at a save place.

edit: that could be interesting for you.


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009, 18:23

thanks! that was interesting.

does AC have there flow meter available in the US and were can I purchase it?

I would rather use AC flow meter than Koolance flow meter.
I only like Koolance blocks and fittings.
Everything else is AC.

Thanks Shoggy for your help

Koolance flow meter --http://www.koolance.com/water-cooling/pr…?product_id=740

Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2009, 19:35

http://www.sidewindercomputers.com/ should have it in the next few days.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2009, 01:46

Thanks !

I will be waiting for it.



Montag, 1. Juni 2009, 07:08

Thanks for sharing such useful info

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