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Junior Member

Can Aquastream XT Standard shut down the system based on a flow rate

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 09:55

I have Aquastream XT Standard...Does this autotmatically shut the down my PC if the flow rate
is less than what I configured in the <speed signal and alarm sensor> tab in my Aqua software?

Or do I have to upgrade my Pump to Ultra and buy a external flow sensor and connect it to
my pump? What's the procedure for upgrading it to Ultra and what is the cost?

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 14:32

You can only configurate that the pump stps to generate a tacho signal when it encounters a problem. In this case the mainboard would think that the CPU fan has stopped working and shuts down the PC. Of course you will have to set everything in the BIOS to get it this way.

If you want a real flow control you have to upgrade the pump to the ultra variant and you also need a flow sensor to connect it to the pump.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 19:34

Thanks again, Shoggy...

So the pump only sends out an alarm so I have to connect the flow sensor to motherboard (perhaps 3 or 4 pin CPU fan connector).

Would both of these work for me?

1. Koolance INS-FM17 Coolant Flow Meter & Adapter Board [no nozzles]


2. Flow sensor "high flow" G1/4 for aquaero, aquastream XT ultra and poweradjust



Junior Member

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 19:48

Personally I'd go for the AC one (option 2).

You can have a read here:


Unfortunately I don't have links to any reviews of the Koolance one, but I have three of the AC ones and I'm rather happy with them.

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 23:00

@dhc0329: As long as you only use the standard variant you will be only able to connect the flow sensor to the mainboard.

Our sensor will not work with a mainboard.