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Junior Member

Can the multiswitch handle two LEDs per channel?

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 13:50

Rather than asking this question privately to Shoggy I thought it might be of interest for someone else as well...

So, as the subject reads really... The LEDs I'm using would dissipate 40 mW (approx) putting 2 in a parallel array (don't think I can "rig" them in series from a 5V source), could the 100 ohm resistor handle this power consumption? Most "regular" resistors are 1/4 W, but I have not the faintest idea how much SM ones can handle.

I know it's not the best practice to run two LEDs in parallel from a single resistor, but running 10 LEDs rather than 8 from the Multiswitch's LED output would make things easier for me (I have the "regular" power outputs already taken over by fans...)

Thanks for reading :)


Full Member

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 19:54

Hi Mr. T
I have found this site to be pretty informative when it comes to LED's ... http://led.linear1.org/

It has a LED Series/ Parrallel wizzard and other usefull tidbits. HTH.


Junior Member

Sonntag, 14. Juni 2009, 20:30

Thanks for the reply :)

That site has actually been in my favourites for quite a while (that's how I came up with the power consumption value among other things :D :D )

However, in this particular case I'd rather know how much power the SMRs on the dedicated LED output of the Multiswitch can handle before going ahead an doing it. Although not recommendable (it's always best to use one resistor per array) you can run multiple arrays from one resistor as long as the resistor itself can handle the power consumption.

I'm sure someone versed on the subject could tell straight away by looking at them, but this toad may as well be looking the pansies

Montag, 15. Juni 2009, 11:08

You should not use more than one LED with the LED outputs.


Junior Member

Montag, 15. Juni 2009, 20:22

You should not use more than one LED with the LED outputs.

Thanks man :)

I'll run the other two from a 12V source then... Won't be so "funky" to make light effects (want to put one LED on each front intake) but still will get the job done :)