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AquagraFX 260GTX for Zotac GTX260 amp2

Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009, 04:13

Hello Aquacomputer :) ,

I want to watercool the Zotac GTX 260 Amp² with number: ZT-X26E3KE-FCP link: http://preisvergleich.nachrichten.at/a403232.html
I tried searching the internet for answers if a AquagraFX 260GTX could fit on the Zotac gtx card see links:




The reason for my question is this: If the card is 55nm i am supposed to use the AquagraFX 260GTX 55nm or if its 65nm i use the G200 model. But....i read that Zotac have changed their pcb (the first generation of gtx260 amp where reference design pcb the later ones where modified i'm not sure about that thats why it is important that i add the product code in this case: ZT-X26E3KE-FCP of the card that i want.

Could you pleace verify if one of your AquagraFX 260GTX blocks will fit on the Zotac GTX 260 Amp² ZT-X26E3KE-FCP ??
It would be very dissapointing if the waterblock isnt compatible with the card...

Thanks you in advance

Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2009, 21:46

Still no reply?

Well let me put it this way is there a GTX260 55nm that is 100% compatible with the AquagraFX 260GTX??

Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2009, 23:18

I can try to help you, but I am not sure about the Layout of your card:

In general, the 55nm Waterblock is incompatible with the "old" 65nm, because they have a different layout.

I don't know if there has been a change of the layout by Zotac, but normally all standard cards are compatible. Exceptions are maybe some overclocked cards (not EVGA, XFX) or with bigger RAM. But I do not know this for sure, because I never heard/had/saw of one.

I would guess, that the AquagrafX 55nm is compatible, but you should make sure by looking for the bare plate and check the places of the transistors and RAM. (These are in reference layout, search your one and compare)...