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Junior Member

Aquaero Upgrade

Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 14:58


I have just received my Aquaero and then found out about the upgrade!

I wish to have the upgrade what is the exact process please.
Do I buy the upgrade from the website? Where do I send my Aquaero?
How long will it take to upgrade my Aquaero?
I have changed my face plate to black version. Do I need to put the original one back on?


Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 19:23

Welcome to the forum :)

You will have to buy this article. Afterwards send your aquaero to the following address:

Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
Gelliehäuser Str. 1
37130 Gleichen

Please add a short message with the orderding number so we know where it belongs to.

The upgrade will normally take around 1 - 3 days.

It does not matter if your aquaero comes with another front cover.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 21:10

Thanks Shoggy

Who do I address the parcel to? You? :)

Donnerstag, 30. Juli 2009, 21:27

Just the address like written down above ;)


Junior Member

Freitag, 31. Juli 2009, 15:59


I wanted to ask is what exactly this upgrade:

- Greater power

- Be able to connect other pumps

- What else

Is it necessary to return home to climb the Aquaero this upgrade?

Thank you for your responses.

Dienstag, 4. August 2009, 08:56

You will have to buy this article. Afterwards send your aquaero to the following address:

Aqua Computer GmbH & Co. KG
Gelliehäuser Str. 1
37130 Gleichen

This looks like a simple heatsink to the mosfets. Why does it need to be returned to Germany?

Dienstag, 4. August 2009, 10:19

If you want to cxontrol a Laing on channel 1 there are modifications on the PCB necessary. That's the reason why it must be send back. Of course you can also do it yourself but you will lose the warranty.

Dienstag, 4. August 2009, 10:55

I think my warranty is toast already. ^^

So I gather the kit comes with a heatsink and some components. Can you either post here or email me the instructions or pics of before and after?


Full Member

Mittwoch, 5. August 2009, 08:08

Yes, I would also like more information on the DIY upgrade, since it's likely that my Aquaero will get eaten by Chinese customs either on its way there or its way back.

Is it just basic soldering involved, or more advanced stuff?