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Junior Member

Freitag, 9. Juli 2010, 09:49

so how it is responding now? before the update i could not reboot because the aquero would loose the usb connection?? and whenever i made a change from aquasuite and send it to aquaero it would loose the usb connection??

so was something installed wrong? was i doing something wrong? :D

anyway until now and since the update everything ok, hope it stays this way :thumbsup:

anyway please let me know how can i send a text from aquasuite to aquaero and make it stay permanent even when rebooting/ booting

thanks for your time

Sonntag, 8. August 2010, 04:33

thanks for all the help and good to see you fixed aquasuite/usb issues
LOL... we have not changed anything here. The only new addition in .67 is the poweradjust 2 device window :D


Just for the record my Aquaero runs perfect on an ASUS board and Windows 7 Ultimate. However, I only use the Aquasuite to program the Aquaero and then let the hardware take care of business.

Mittwoch, 11. August 2010, 11:10

I've had some of the same problems on XP.
My problems where extra anoying, sinci I (at that time) had both Aquaero, Multiswitch and Poweradjust USB. The latter alwas loosing USB-connection, and once in a while, one or both of the other things also lost theri connections.

Mo MoBo at that time was a ASUS P5B Delux, and on the internal USB plugs, I had no problems, even with all three things connected, but the backside connections where the trouble makers.

I could fix the problem by un-installing all USB hubs in the ad/remove hardware sectiong, and then reboot, then aquasuite could see all three, untill next re-boot.

Now I only have the Aquaero, but on a P5Q Pro MoBo, and there aquasuite cannot find my aquaero once in a while.
I just shut down the aquasuite, and re-started it, after my computer has been running for several days, and i found my aquaero straight away (Aquasuite 4.57, and FW 4 on my aquaero).

So try letting the Aquaero stay connected duringstartup, and then wait starting the aquasuite, until the computer has "finished" starting. (sounds wierd) :-D

Dienstag, 24. August 2010, 13:25

Your solution is most likely in this thread:

Another ASUS and Aquaero user with problems *SOLUTION*

Just unplug every usb device that you have, mouse, keybord, speakers, all of it. Connect a PS2 keybord and mouse or at least take another mouse/keybord if your motherboard has no PS2 ports anymore. Only your Aquacomputer devices should be connected to the usb-ports at the rear of your PC. I'm pretty sure your problem is over. Mine is.......

It could take up to over an hour before the Aquasuite crashed with my G15 keybord, so connect your usb devices one by one every 2 hours to determine the troublemaker.

You can also try to install the software on another PC or laptop and connect a USB port on that device.

Speedy Donderball :P

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