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Junior Member


Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010, 23:55

Hi all,first time posting so please go easy with me.

I hope to be able to use a couple of Aquacomputer blocks for my next build.

Aquacomputer cuplex XT di 478 / 775 Block G1/8 thread,and get the AMD bracket to fit my board

Aquacomputer Twinplex XT di Chipset Cooler G1/8 thread

As i do like the look of these blocks.

I would like to use 1/2" ID 3/4" OD tubing,i see in your shop you do these http://www.aquatuning.co.uk/product_info…kel-plated.html

Which then i hope i can use the above tubing,looking at the chipset block the threads look a bit close to be able to us the fittings for the G1/4 for 1/2" compresion fittings.

If this is not possible could someone give me some advise on what fittings i can use and which size tubing i can use as i would like to stick with compresion fittings if possible.

My Rad,Res and Pump have the G1/4 thread if thats any help.

Thanks for looking,any help and advise would be very much appreciated :thumbsup:

Mittwoch, 23. Juni 2010, 09:57

Since we don't offer such adapters I can test it but the cuplex should be no problem here. The distance of the threads is much smaller at the twinplex. Guessing from the photos it might work.


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 24. Juni 2010, 10:52

Thanks for the reply,much appreciated :thumbup:


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2010, 21:32

I am thinking of changing my res setup for my next build and would like to use these.



If someone could help me with a couple of questions it would be very much appreciated :)

1) will the bay and facia fit in my Lian - Li case (343b)

2) would i be able to use the facia upside down as well as the Aquatube so i have the two holes at the top of the res and use one hole for filling

This is what i would like to do with the res and bay,first one has a light blue tint acrylic behind the slates showing the tube

Second one has the slats cut out with some tinted acrylic so you could see the tube again,with this one you can see the tube when there are some LEDS in it

Thanks for looking :thumbsup:


Junior Member

Samstag, 3. Juli 2010, 17:37

Couple of pics of how the front might look.

With slats and acrylic

Without slats and acrylic

Thanks for looking :thumbsup:

Montag, 5. Juli 2010, 16:19

As long as you use the lowest point as outtake from the aquatube, i don't see a reason why it wouldn't work.

Zitat von »Dino«

...lauter spinner ;)
(wehe, das nimmt jemand in seine sig ;))


Junior Member

Dienstag, 6. Juli 2010, 11:23

Thanks for the reply,much apprecited :thumbsup:


Junior Member

Sonntag, 8. August 2010, 21:39

Dont know if this is the right place for this,thought i would show you where i am with my next project Acrylin 343b.

Most of the case will have white acrylic

Motherboard and top panel cut

I did cut two more panels but i will be doing two new ones for the rear and front as im changing the rear grill and the front res to a Aquatube

I also attacked the rear with a new peice of alluminium

Done a bit this weekend not much, where i am at the mo

Front test fitting still got to cut out for the grills

Top test fit with grill and bolts

Side panel test fit,got to get a peice cut out for a peice of clear acrylic so it sits flush with the panel

Something like this from my old case a while ago but without the bits on the side

If all goes well this is what i hope the front will look like

This is what im using at the mo my firrst attempt at getting wet,plus i treated myself to a new desk ready for when ive done my next build.

Thanks for looking :)


Montag, 9. August 2010, 14:41

A monster... :D


Junior Member

Montag, 9. August 2010, 16:57

Thanks for the reply Shoggy,much appreciated :thumbup:

Was also thinking of using an Aquaero but its a bit out of my price range at the mo,might save up and get one at a later date :(

How it would look with the Aquaero 8)

Thanks for looking :thumbup:


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 19. August 2010, 19:07

I am thinking of getting an Aquaero could someone help a noob out with a few questions please.

I will only be cooling the CPU so to some it might be overkill for what im using it for.

I will be using four fans on my rad,so can i use the four fan channel thingy to keep an eye on the rad.

Also if i was to get a Flow sensor "high flow" G1/4 for aquaero, aquastream XT ultra and poweradjust where would be the best place to fit it and which cables would i need to get.

I will be using the white delrin Aquatube and the aquabay AT Baydream (Einbaurahmen für aquatube) Rev. 1.5.

Any help and advice would be very much appreciated to me the noob :thumbsup:

Thanks for looking and your time.



Junior Member

Freitag, 27. August 2010, 23:27

Sorry for the lack of updates build is a bit slow.
Bits to be painted

Got my grills
These will be painted soon with other bits

I got these grills done to sort of match my res front, i think they turned out really good

Thanks for looking



Junior Member

Mittwoch, 1. September 2010, 20:49

Grills fitted :)

Dont look to bad :D
Next to do is get it all painted
Thanks for looking :thumbup:



Junior Member

Samstag, 11. September 2010, 20:52

Sorry for the lack of updates,build still slow at the mo.
Got some bits and bobs
Ram cooler and some blue LEDS to be fitted then painted white

Couple of nice white LED fans

11 more nice white LED fans

And some fittings

Thanks for looking :thumbup:


Junior Member

Samstag, 11. September 2010, 20:59

Did a bit more today,some pics
Grills and Aquatube

Rad,fans and grills fitted

Where i am at the mo

Not brill not bad but im happy with it

Thanks for looking :thumbup:

Samstag, 11. September 2010, 23:20

Looks nice :thumbup:
Good Job.
Out of Style, but it's Retro!


Junior Member

Dienstag, 14. September 2010, 01:11

Thanks for the reply,much appreciated :thumbup:


Junior Member

Samstag, 16. Oktober 2010, 15:08

Got my bits back from the coaters,some pics

Build starts tommorow :)

Back soon hopefully

Thanks for looking :)


Junior Member

Sonntag, 17. Oktober 2010, 16:36

Couple more pics of the front :)

Thanks for looking :)


Junior Member

Freitag, 22. Oktober 2010, 13:11

Still got a couple of things to do then it will be done.
How it looks at the mo

Not the best of pics but im happy how it turned out,could have done a better job on some of the build.
Thanks for looking :)