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Aquabay LCD display

Freitag, 16. Juli 2010, 23:30


Just got my Aquabay today,and found out that im missing the serial cable. Do i need a special serial cable to connect the Aquabay,or can i buy it from any local PC store ?
A few more questions about the Aquabay :

1. I see where i connect the serial cable to the Aquabay. but where do i plug it in the computer ?

2. When its plugged in,will it automaticly display for example music i play in winamp,and will it show up in Aquasuite as a unit ?

Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010, 15:55

When the cable was not included send an e-mail to us or a private message to me with your order details so we can ship it to you.

Yor computer will need a serial port to be able to connect the aquabay CF. Almost every common mainboard from these days does not have such a port anymore. A few ports still have it internal and you can buy a slot cover with such a port to connect it to the board or you should use an USB to serial adapter.

To get informations onto the LCD you will have to use a program like LCD studio for example or plugins for other programs. Just by connecting the LCD to the PC it won't do anything.

Sonntag, 18. Juli 2010, 23:26

Thanks for quick answer...

I bought it used,so its no mistake made by Aquacomputer :)
Think ill let it be for a while,finding it pretty hard setting it up,and using the software etc.

Montag, 19. Juli 2010, 02:12

By the way... Do you know if i need a driver or something to get my Aquaero to show up in Aquasuite ? Im using Windows 7 x64.

Dienstag, 20. Juli 2010, 09:30

No, you don't need a driver. The aquaeor is programmes as an HI-Device and acts like a mouse or keyboard. It should work without any drivers.

If it does not work you maybe want to try it with another PC to check either it is a problem with the aquaero or the PC.