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Aquaduct 360 XT mark III question

Montag, 8. November 2010, 09:59

Hi all,

I received my aquaduct, I will now ask whether it should be placed at the same height of the pc-tower or if I can put it over the pc-tower (about 1.5-2.0 m). Also I would kindly ask what is the maximum distance from the tower can be placed to not have problems with the pump and water circulation?

Best regards

Andrea Pedrotti

Montag, 8. November 2010, 14:03

As height difference I would recommend to avoid distances larger 1m. It should still work but might decrease the performance.

The maximum distance is hard to answer since it depends a lot on the rest of the system. Around 3 meter should be no problem. Cold be even much longer but as said it depends on many things.