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Junior Member

Auaero 4 and USB problems - any other suggestions to fix this other than to send it back? :-(

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011, 02:26

Hi I recently purchased an Aquaero 4 to monitor my new watercooled system - Asus P8P67 Pro, i5, Windows 7, 64bit etc

The Aquaero works fine except for one thing, the computer refuses to accept the USB device other than on the odd rare occasion.

I've looked at all the other posts in the English version of the forum and haven't found any solution other than to buy a USB PCI card

Well I've tried that, and that doesn't work either, disproving the theory that it's just ASUS boards - I just get a different error message, 47 instead of 10

I've tried everything I can think of now -

Delete all registry entries and re initialise - worked once, shut down and re-boot, back to square one

Removed other USB devices - worked once, shut down, re-boot - same problem

Last thing I tried today was a PCI USB card - that won't work either, not even once

So can I ask a couple of questions please?

1) The PCI USB card I've seen Shoggy reccomend, is it USB 1 or 2 or should it not matter?

2) Does the new Aquaero 5 suffer the same USB problem?

3) Can you tell me the model no of a Sandybridge motherboard known to work 100% with the Aquaero 4?

Frustrated and about to throw device out of a window



Junior Member

Sonntag, 13. Februar 2011, 23:10

One other question if I may - is it just Windows 7 OS machines that show this problem or does it happen in XP as well?

I got it to work perfectly on my Mac powerbook running Windows XP


Montag, 14. Februar 2011, 13:56

I have read similar problems from others with this mainboard so I guess there will be no way to fix this easily.

The card that we offer in our shop has two internal connectors. If you take a look at eBay I'm pretty sure you will find a lot of other cards that are cheaper; especially because of the shipping costs.

That the new aquaero has the same "problem" is very unlikely since its hardware and software is completely different.

I don't know any board so far since almost nobody has them because of the suspension of deliveries by Intel.


Junior Member

Montag, 14. Februar 2011, 16:26

I don't think the USB PCI card option is the way to go - I already tried that and the new card wouldn't recognise the Aquaero 4 at all

I'm giving up for now. I have a method of setting the Aquaero using a separate Mac laptop running XP

Maybe a further Asus bios will fix it, but I somewhat doubt it. My experience with the problem leads me to believe that the problem is between the Aquaero 4 and Windows 7 and has nothing to do with the BIOS

As you say though, it's possible my Asus board may be going back anyway :-(


Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011, 12:33

You can be sure it has nothing to do with Windows 7. There are more than enough customers with such a setup that have no problems - including myself.


Junior Member

Dienstag, 15. Februar 2011, 22:30

Hi Shoggy

Do you mind if I I ask what USB chipset your motherboard has on it?

I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it - I noticed that my ASUS board had an NEC chip and so does the PCI USB card I tried. Neither of them work with the Aquaero 4
I notice the one your shop sells has a VIA chip on it



Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011, 09:27

It is very likely that the chipset is causing the problem since we also have customers that report when they use the external-internal connection kit their problems are gone. That means they are connecting the aquaero to the rear ports from the mainboard and it seems that these connectors are using the boards regular chipset from Intel while the internal ports are using an additional USB chipset since the regular chipset only provides X ports and most mainboards have more connectors than that.

My mainboard (ABIT IP43) is not using an additional USB chipset since the P43 chipset with ICH10 is providing 12x USB - exactly the amount of connectors that my mainboard offers.

So far it seems that Intels chipset has a better compatibility to old USB 1.x devices while newer additional chips seem to have some problems in this area.


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 16. Februar 2011, 17:35

Well, I finally got it working :-)

I purchased a second PCI USB card, this time with a VIA chipset (from Maplin in the UK)
This worked, but kept showing an error message on each boot about a missing device driver and then a second message saying that it was unable to install the device

I noticed however that the AQuaero still worked, even after the unknown device entry had been deleted. Trouble is every re-boot the same error messages come up

So I just disabled it, rather than deleting it

Aquaero 4 still works fine and links with Aquasuite every time :-) Go figure!


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