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AquaBus how to.

Samstag, 19. Februar 2011, 19:01

I've got this little setup:

One AquaAero 4, two PowerAdjust2 USB, one Tubemeter, one Aquastream XT.

As of now I've have the Tubemeter on the Aquabus on the AquaAero4 - and no more USB connectors. But there is Aquabus 1 and 2 on a PowerAdjust2 USB - Can I've use them for something usefull?

I've would like to have everthing on one USB, if that can be done?

Abit off tropic but can I have AquaAero adjust a fan when the differnce between two sensors are xx degress?


Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011, 15:02

The poweradjust 2 can not be used with the aquaero 4 via aquabus. Its aquabus is only compatible to to the new aquaero 5.

If you want to connect the pump via aquabus besides the tubemeter you will need a y-adapter.

To connect all parts via USB you can use an internal USB HUB.

Using the temperature difference between two values to control something is not possible with the aquaero 4, but with 5 it is.

Sonntag, 20. Februar 2011, 23:12

Quick reply, I've must say :thumbsup:

Then I'm in need of - let me see - 3 AquaAero5 ASAP :-)

Ohh, how about handling negative tempertures? In AquaSuite, I've cant set anything under 0¤, even when PowerAdjust2 USB should handle negative tempertures?


BTW, do you know why the Tubemeter comes and comes when on AquaBus (the AquaStreamXT do as well)?


Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von »MStauning« (20. Februar 2011, 23:22)

Montag, 21. Februar 2011, 12:21

poweradjust 2 and aquaero 5 are able to measure between -40 and +120°C. Settings will work in the newer aquasuite 2012 that will be available soon.

I don't understand your last question.

Montag, 21. Februar 2011, 16:21

My Tubemeter have always been connected via AquaBus on my AquaAero4.

In the AquaSuite software, tubemeter is there - then is not - then is there - then is not.

I've make a screen movie, if you need it ;-)

But now when I've have put the AquaStrem on the AquaBus, the AquaStream readnings also come and goes.

But strangely the Flowmeter is starting to do the same...

So now I've will try to plug everything on via USB, and see if thats the same. Just to rule out the devices ;-)

Can a Tubemeter be connected via a AquaStream, that are connected to the motherboard via USB?
