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aquaero 5 xt and 2 aquastream xt pump ultras , what else do i need???

Freitag, 11. März 2011, 06:24

i am currently working on building a very custom setup, i will (hopefully) end with an i7 980x on a gigabyte UD9 with 24gb corsiar ram kit, 3 gtx 580 in sli and a gtx 285 as physX (all with EK waterblocks, may have gone with aquacomp blocks but too late to change now) (will end up running 3 monitior 3Dvision surround setup)

anyways my questions are.

1. what more than 1 aquaero 5 and 2 aquastream xt pump ultras would i need to run /control 10-14 temp sensors, 8-10 water temp sensors, 2 flow meters, maybe 2 "tubemeters" and 16 120mm fans (hopefully all independently controllable)(or 3x3 linked (for 3 360rads) + 7 independent) **led connectors will be used for led connections**

2. how difficult would it be for me to setup software to recognize that there is 2 seperate independent water loops?

3. if i needed to run sensors from one case to the seperate water cooling case how would cutting wires of sensors and adding extra connectors ( possiblely extra wire length) effect readings? what other way could i achieve sending signals from sensors?

4. been trying to find description or pictures but can't, how does the poweradjust units connect to an aquaero?

Sonntag, 13. März 2011, 21:44

1. you should reconsider the amount of temperature monitoring you want to do

2. the software has no inherent way to know there is 2 loops, you just have to generate the right rules to make it behave correctly.

3. temperature sensors generally are resistance based. which means, cutting wires is a no go.

4. if i am not totally wrong, aquabus and/or usb

Zitat von »Dino«

...lauter spinner ;)
(wehe, das nimmt jemand in seine sig ;))

Montag, 14. März 2011, 10:54

1.) Mhhh, possible but VERY expensive. With each poweradjust 2 that you add to the aquaero you will extend it with a fan channel, a temperature and flow sensor. So if you want to monitor 14 temperature sensors you would need 6 poweradjust controllers which is also the maximum amount that you can connector to the aquaero. Two tubemeters is one one aquaero not possible since the tubemeter does not have a changeable aquabus ID. A new tubemeter (later that year) will offer this option.

2.) As koaschten already said. The aquaero does not need to know it. Make your settings right and it will work.

3.) You can extend the cable but in this case you have to calibrate the sensor afterwards since the longer cable will increase the resistance so the temperature values will change.

4.) The poweradjust will be connected to the aquaero via aquabus. USB is not necessary in this case and would also not work since aquabus and USB at the same time is not possible with the poweradjust.

Dienstag, 15. März 2011, 13:45

thanks for the replies :thumbsup: , has given me much to think on....

always assumed it was going to be expensive, my build is already around $AUS 7000 (5000 euro) and i still have to get at least another $AUS 2000 worth of parts, not including the aquacomputer components.

will keep the revised tubemeter in mind, but that was the least important component as the levels in my custom res' will be visible (as it is the centre piece of my entire build)

follow up questions

1. in regards to calibrating temp sensors, can i actually recalibrate them (ie adapt wires and then put wire adapted sensor right after (couple of cm away) a known and calibrated temp sensor (ie the aquastream pump ultra) and then "recalibrate" readings for adapted sensor based on "true" readings, or would i have to establish the individual variance on the adapted sensor and then just treat the data provided accordingly (ie allowing for the variance (showing the wrong readings but me knowing how they reflect "true" reading.)

2. could i possiblely use a lesser version of the aquaero 5 or even an earlier aquaero in the main case purely for reading temp sensors in that case, and all the data just end up in aquasuite, with the better version of aquaero 5 (with remote) still being used and connected from cooling case , running / controlling the pumps and fans on radiators possiblely using temp data from the lesser version aquaero (and yes i realise this will be even more expensive)

3. according to page 5 of the english pdf for the aquaero 5 in the "temperature sensors - digital, real, virtual or by software", it states, "altogether up to 40 temperature sensors can be used" how many of this 40 are real? (and just to double check, with an aquaero 5 connected to 2 aquatream xt ultra pumps, can i still connect up 6 poweradjusts, and if i can this would allow me 16 temp sensors wouldn't it)

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Bullus« (15. März 2011, 14:16)

Dienstag, 15. März 2011, 16:42

The aquaero offers an offset in both directions for each sensor. So if your sensor would read a temperature that is 2°C too low, than you simply add +2°C in the offset and your temperature is correct again. The offset is also the highest instance so all settings behind will work with the adjusted value :)

Using the values from the aquaero 4.00 with the aquaero 5 is not possible so far. In the future it is likely that we will offer an option to transfer the temperature from an old aquaero to the new one via so called software sensors. The software sensor function is already integrated to the aquaero 5 but not active since we have to focus on more important things at the moment. With updates in the future this option will be fully available.

The maximum amount of real temperatures is 16 at the moment. There are a few reserved values inside the aquaero since we don't know what the future will bring. For example the next tubemeter should get a temperature sensor too which can also be used via aquabus.

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