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Recycle an Aquaduct 240 Pro MkII

Sonntag, 29. Mai 2011, 01:52

Okay need suggestions on what to do.........

Looking to possiblly water cool an old/new system that has no room for rad/res/pump (or funding for that matter!!) and was wondering if the 240 I have could handle the following:

1. 1055T or 955BE with Cuplex Kryos XT
2. 2 x Evga 285 GTX SSC with EK-FC285 GTX - Nickel / Plexi w/ Nickel Backplates
3. Had thought about NB & MOSFETs but may leave that alone and just go with fans.

Would be using exisiting "plug and cool" fittings, would anything be gained going with larger size tubeing inside?? Also it has been sitting idle with Exptreme Performance's FluidXP+ EXT (closed circuit) so how would I flush that as I want to go with some UV stuff if I use the system??

Montag, 30. Mai 2011, 22:49

Well, a CPU and two graphics card... I would say no way or at least not with any good temperatures. Normally I would highly recommend a 360 for that kind of setup.

To clean the aquaduct you should connect the in- and outlet together and run it with water + some vinegar cleaner. Let it run for a while and flush it with clean water afterwards.

Using any larger connectors will not add much extra performance because inside the aquaduct there are already some smaller areas with 8/6 mm tubes which will slow it down anyway.