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Aquaero 5 pro and Aquasuite 2012, i expected so much more..... what does the future bring?

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011, 03:21


I just bought the new Aquaero 5 pro edition. First of, its clear the aquaero is not a high volume product and in that respect i like the build quality*. I also appreciated its extensive functionality. However the Aquasuite is rather disappointing(i know its still Beta)

* the only thing i am really disappointed in - concerning build quality - is the heatsink on the aquaero itself. I have to change it or put a extra fan near it, because it already reached 70degrees, without my system ever being under load. I hope that get's fixed, because if Aqua-computer does change this heatsink, it could make a product that is not only marketable for watercooling setup's but also for extreme quit air-cooling setups.(the way i intended it)
i7 2600K, (Thermalright venemous x)asus p8z68,radeon dirt3 HD 6950,AX 850 psu,Corcair vengance 8gb ddr3,Packed in the Silverstone Fortress FT-02

The case has an extreme good air-cooling setup. The MOBO is rotated 90 degrees, making sure bay-devices do not block fresch airflow, past cpu and gpu devices.Because of this setup i wanted the A5-pro to control a couple of different things.
1. the airflow fans, based on temperature sensors reading intake and out take temperature.2. individual airflow fans, for CPU or GPU depending on the type of workload(pure CPU rendering, pure GPU rendering or gaming (both)
3. Indivudual airflow fan, based on HD's/memory(although i think this is not really necessary)

4. i needed the screen on the A5-pro, for showing load and temps of all my critical components(not for controlling) but for monitoring, and in my case showing me when a render is done, without my monitor being switched on.

5. bonus would be to showing played song etc, but lets forget about that for now.

So far i cant get any of these requirements to work with the aquasuite 2012 and the Aquaero 5 pro. here is why:

For requirement 1: i need a delta temp controller. Aka: Delta temp : (Temp for controlling = Outake temp minus intake temp). Could not find this option.

For requirement 2: I need to be able to control the same fan, using multiple controllers.
(note: the Fortress has 3 major intakefans, 1 close to cpu, 1 close to gpu and 1 close to bay's/hdd's):
CPU under load only. i only want the intake fan close to the cpu to rev. up accordingly to temperature. it seems I cant do this because this fan is also controlled by Requirement number 1, overall airflow.
I don't want all fans to rev up, because it is not necessary (remember i want a quite system)
Solution would be if Aquasuite could support multiple fan controllers on the same fan, and always choosing the highest value for the fan as output. Not to hard to program this would it?
For this requirement i would also like to use the internal sensors, for controlling the airflow fan's(cpu fan would be great to). I could use an external sensor as wel, however the other sensors are already there, so that is a lot easer for people to use.
(i know the downfall, of directly cpu-temp controlled fan regulations, the constantly spinning up, when an application gets started etc... But this is a non argument solutions for this already exist. 1 a cooling profile, helps and 2 a "delay" could be build in. The "delay" works in a way that the fan's speed increase is slowed down. Looks like: temp rises -> fan needs to go from 500 to 1000 rpm. This does not happen right away, but a timeslot for the rev increase is given for instance 5 seconds. So the fan gradually increases to its 1000 rpm and reaches 1000 rpm after 5 seconds. If the processor was indeed only used for a small amount of time under full load, within the 5 seconds the temperature will lower and, the fan will lower accordingly, thus eliminating the aggressive up and down rev-ing.

For requirement 3 the same as requrement 2 applies.

For requirement 4 i need more flexibility in the lcd-design. So i can add value's from the on-board sensors and the external sensors, maybe arranged from hot to cold, or arranged from time active....(okay im going overboard here)

requirement 5, still nice, but who cares(your ears work right?)

I might be completely wrong, but so far i think the Aquasuite and Aquaero 5 needs tweaking, before i can even meet 1 of my requirements, let alone all 5.
It's not that i feel Aqua- computer MUST do this, but i think if they do, it would make the product so much more valuable and so much more marketable for a much wider market(air-cooled set-up). Imagen the boost in sales, and dropping of cost therefore.

Besides that, in the way the Aquaero 5 was advertised, i was under the impression that the Aquaero 5 could meet my requirements 1 and 2 at least. I might have misread them(or they where intended to be misread) But i am left whit a feeling of uneasy regarding the Aquaero 5.

Now my real questions.
1. Did i in one way or another missed some functionality and can i get any of my requirements to work on the Aquareo 5 pro?
2. Will the A5 get multiple controls controlling the same fan? if yes, when is this expected?
3. Will the Aquasuite 2012 be able to use the internal sensors? if yes when is this expected?
4. Am i to difficult? do i want to much and should i just return the device, since its functionality does not cross-reference whit its marketing?(i don't want 2 because i really like the device where it is right now)


Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011, 06:06

Most of your requirements can be met with a little bit of education and experimentation.

Have you even tried using Virtual sensors yet? Man you have a lot learn if you think coming here with that attitude is going to get you some help.
Its a fantastic product with a steep learning curve and you clearly have a lot of learning to do.
Take a look at my build if you want to see what is possible with a bit of patience and learning.

Sorry if I seem harsh but you need to phrase things more as questions rather than accusations, and also be more precise in your requirement.. Oh... and ask nicely, there are a few people here including myself that can help you get 99% of what you want working.

Q1. Yes by a combination of using virtual sensors and the right controller settings for the job, most of what you want can be done.
Q2. By the use of virtual sensor... up to 3 sensors can be used to control a fan, with AVG, Max and other settings available to sample across 3 sensors per virtual sensor. This is a way to get a fan to act based on any of 3 temp sensors exceeding a max temp.
Q3. If you mean external software sensors... its coming.. if you mean temp at different points in the computer, you need to mount temp sensors of which 4 are shipped with the unit with connections for a total of 8. PA2 expansion controllers which also each have 1 temp sensor connection each Max 6).
Q4. What you want can be done if you take the time to learn and politely ask questions.

As for fans not reacting to temp change in the time you want them too.. thats because you have to tune the controller to the type of temp your trying to manage and also make sure your using the right type of controller profile. Set point controllers can be a little slow to respond to temp change at default settings and curve control is probably the most accurate way to control fan/pump speed. You need to experiment and learn, the device has huge capabilities if you take the time to learn how it works.

BTW the XT ships with an upgraded Heatsink which you can also order separately for the Lite or Pro.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 3 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Phatboy69« (5. Juli 2011, 06:31)

I am Intel of Borg. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.

i7 3930K @5Ghz - X79 ASUS Rampage IV Extreme - 4x SLI GTX580 - 16GB DDR3-2000 - 4x GTX 360 rads 24x CM fans - Aquaero 5 XT +6 PA2 Ultras - 2 x Enermax 1500W PSU - MM Extended Ascension Case - 2 x 452x2 Res and 4 x D5 - 3 x 24" Acer H243H LCD


Junior Member

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011, 08:43

I won't elaborate more than Phatboy has, but he''s right, everything you're looking for is already there. In a few hours I learned how to get most of what I need out of the unit. Since the Aquasuite is still in Beta and still has much more functionality coming to it, I'm always checking to see fi there's any updates.

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011, 11:21

Gotta agree with phatboy & XNine, This is an awesome piece of kit. I'm no Aquaero GURU by a long shot, but found with a little experimentation & just generally playing around with the unit (& A little Common sense) it's amazing just what your able to monitor & control to with-in very fine margines... We know Aqua Computer are still working on the Beta 4 software & I for one am confident the'll get evrything done...
Would be nice also if they could come up with a reasonably indepth instruction manual, outlining just what each feature can do & how you implement that in conjunction with the other sensors (ie: virtual sensors & how you'd use them in conjuntion with your actual heat sensors).
So, Maybe if they had had a half decent manual, just maybe you would have seen that infact this will (as phatboy said) pretty much do all things your asking of it.. Play around with it, thats how I began to figure things out :).. Most of all ENJOY the thing.... It really is quite some thing...I Love it :p

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011, 13:08

@ Phatboy69, Xnine and Namron, thank you for the respones.
I'm sorry if a came across that brisk and hard. Not my intention.
Phatboy69 i indeed not played around with the virtual sensors, ill check it out. Sounds indeed like that's what i want.On Q3 i mean communication with the sensors on the mainboard/cpu.
okay, I played around with the virtual sensors now - whoops easy as a breeze - and set delta temps etc.

I'am sorry that i did not check my options better prior to posting here. But big thanks for answering even though, because it boost my motivation alot to further play around with the device. And i do think that this is indeed the most superior fan/pump controller on the market, but i also agree with Namron, that a manual would be great.(i think thats the downfall of releasing an apparatus this early in its development stage. I'll be a good boy and turn my attitude around from whinning to supporting, and giving feedback to help further mature the device.
I still have a questions though, while i fiddle around myself and maybe you can help me a little further with these.
How do i find the curve control?Im going via outputs and i can select 3 basic profile's. 1 the point controller, 2. the two point controller and 3. the constant value controller.

And also i updated the firmware, but now it looks like the aquaero reboots occasionally when i touch the device. Could this be because i dismounted the device and its not grounded properly anymore?

Edit: okay i found the answers in the fora, must be a learning curve here ;)

Regards and thanks for the help so far.

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »FutureCorp« (5. Juli 2011, 13:49)

Dienstag, 5. Juli 2011, 22:19

@phatboy69, (or anyone else able to help)

Hi I was wondering if you could help me out with this.

Can I use multiple equations with the virtual sensor setup? So max and delta, for example.?

or like this, virtual sensor1 is in-take and out-take delta T. This sensor is controlled by a controller controlling all fan's in regard to the airflow.
Now i cannot(it seemes atleast) control any of these fan's using a different controller(because than it erases it at the other controller).

Fine, than i would have to stick to virtual sensor for every fan individually. Not a problem, however it seems that i can't use "Temperature DIfference" and "Highest temperature" at the same time.(seems logic and at the same time not).

Do i again miss something? and could i perform this double-roll after all?

Thank you.


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 6. Juli 2011, 20:57

I believe you can, but only through the Auqasuite software. I'm not at home to go through the interface to check, but I'm fairly certain you can. You can set them up with 3 different temps from practically anywhere on the unit or any temp probe.

Montag, 11. Juli 2011, 14:09

Hmm i'm anxious to know how you would pull this of Xnine. So far i can't do this.Anyone else feel like it should be possible to program a fan in a way that it is controlled and by delta T and by a MAX T?