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Some Aquaduct questions

Sonntag, 17. Juni 2007, 08:48

Brought home a 360 Aquaduct yesterday from Sharka and have a few questions. In the pic below you can see a 3 pin jumper block called FAN_JUMPER. The manual says this is to run the fans either 5v or 12v. However, there is no mention of which is which and the circuit board isn't marked as well. Since my unit has the Aquaero do I need to set it at 12v or leave it open? Also which gives you 12v?

Also the manual references a digital flow and water level measurement. I assume it has some Tubemeter variant in the case? Also where is the flow meter installed as I would like to either remove it or put in a different one.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Sonntag, 17. Juni 2007, 12:19

Because your Aquaduct has an AE, the musn't set. Only in 230V Aquaducts its nessesary to set the Jumper. But I have no Idea which is 12V and which is 5V.

The Aquaduct is so komplex, I think you are not able to change the Flowmeter. As far as I remeber Stephan mentioned that more than 50 sleas build in the Aquaduct.
The Water level is calculated, so ther is a calibration every time you start the Aquaduct.

Hope I can help you.


Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Montag, 18. Juni 2007, 05:29

Yes I know about the 50 seals. Several people here in the USA have taken them apart and couldn't get them back together (like Humpty Dumpty) ;)

So what we really need is to find someone who can give specific directions on taking it apart and putting it back together correctly. I can't believe that a company like AC would think that buyers of an Aquaduct wouldn't want to mod it...

I want to mod my Aquaduct!

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Montag, 18. Juni 2007, 14:28

it's not easy to assemble an aquaduct but it's possible. The warranty is lost in any case because we are not responsible for any errors.

How to do it:

1. Remove all the screws at the top cover. Then you can remove the top aluminum part. Take care about the cable of the vario light and remove it from the aquaero plug.
There are 4 seals at the plexiglas parts and 2 at the fill level indicator. Take care of them.

After that you are able to pull the backplate out of the aluminum profiles. After that you are not able to remove the flowsensor because there is not enough room to do this. You have to remove the tube out of the plug&cool fittings at the bottom plate. Then you can also pull the frontplate high enough to remove the sensor by unclamping the fittings.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Montag, 18. Juni 2007, 14:42

And don't forget to take some photos ;D

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Montag, 18. Juni 2007, 20:42

Thanks Stephan ;D

I think the people who tried this before started from the bottom and after thinking about it last night I figured the place to start was the top as I 'm sure it was built from the bottom up, right?

Zitat von »Stephan«

it's not easy to assemble an aquaduct but it's possible. The warranty is lost in any case because we are not responsible for any errors.

How to do it:

1. Remove all the screws at the top cover. Then you can remove the top aluminum part. Take care about the cable of the vario light and remove it from the aquaero plug.
There are 4 seals at the plexiglas parts and 2 at the fill level indicator. Take care of them.

After that you are able to pull the backplate out of the aluminum profiles. After that you are not able to remove the flowsensor because there is not enough room to do this. You have to remove the tube out of the plug&cool fittings at the bottom plate. Then you can also pull the frontplate high enough to remove the sensor by unclamping the fittings.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Montag, 18. Juni 2007, 20:43

You can count on it. 8)

Zitat von »Shoggy«

And don't forget to take some photos ;D

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007, 01:23

Am I assuming correctly that the fan grills are not actually connected to the fans?

On the bottom of my Aquaduct their is a plate with a bunch of phillips head screws and I see the name "Nirosta" painted in black letters. Is this the name of the material used and can it be taken off with what solvent?

Edit by Google: "Nirosta - A stainless steel trademark or brand name which applies to a variety of stainless steels that are produced by Krupp Thyssen Nirosta GmbH (KTN), which is headquartered in Krefeld, Germany. Since stainless steel is actually steel alloyed with chrome and nickel, the exact percentages of these ingredients are what is trademarked. The Nirosta trademark was registered in 1922 in Germany by Krupp. KTN is a part of the company Krupp Thyssen Stainless, which is in turn part of Thyssen Krupp Steel (under the Krupp Group). KTN is one of the world's leading producers of stainless steel."

BTW, do you guys use Krupp-Widia tools in your milling and turning CNC machines?

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007, 01:29

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

On the bottom of my Aquaduct their is a plate with a bunch of phillips head screws and I see the name "Nirosta" painted in black letters.  Is this the name of the material used and can it be taken off with what solvent?

It's the name of a certain steel (Nirosta means sth. like "neverrosts")
For removing i'd try Isopropyl Alcohol

Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2007, 10:43

I forgot: You also have to remove the screws at the backplate. This screws are connected to the radiator and you are not able to pull out the backplate otherwise.

You can remove the label with Aceton.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007, 21:12

Okay I got the back plate off. I think AC is taking a bath on the (me thinks I need to order another one before they raise the price) pricing here.

Very well engineered solution! That's a lot of stuff crammed into that little box. Would I be correct in assuming that the controller on the back of the Aquaero is a Poweradjust unit or is it a completely different animal? I'm confused because it is attached directly to the Aquaero with a ribbon cable.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007, 21:23

The controller is a little bit modified aquastream controller. It can handle more power the the original version for the aquastream.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2007, 21:27

Do you think there would be any problem in putting in a Laing DDC-1 in here as someone here in the states wants to do that. It looks like the space is available, but will the seals take the added pressure (like in the outside flow and fill level tubes).

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Freitag, 22. Juni 2007, 10:41

The seals will have no problem with that :)

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Freitag, 22. Juni 2007, 10:52

Another question or two er.. three. ;D

Can you supply a Head / Flow curve for the stock pump at the standard flow?

Is the flow meter integral to the cooling system? IOW, do I need to put a P&C tube in its place?

Are there any other pump impellers that will fit this pump design? I would like to have more than the four (4) blades in there if possible.

If I open up the flow meter holes to 6mm on both sides will it cause any degradation in the mechanical design of the flow meter? I have the mill necessary to do this in a precision manner and feel competent in calibrating the unit to the proper impulses per liter factor.

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Donnerstag, 28. Juni 2007, 01:45

Obviously old questions not answerable. ;)

What is the variation (tolerance) of the temp sensors? IOW, if I use a known temp how far off can the thermal sensors report and still be in spec?

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007, 17:33

Zitat von »Top_Nurse«

Do you think there would be any problem in putting in a Laing DDC-1 in here as someone here in the states wants to do that.  It looks like the space is available, but will the seals take the added pressure (like in the outside flow and fill level tubes).

Has anyone had any success in changing the pump for a more powerful version (like the DDC-1)? I'd like to hear it!

Re: Some Aquaduct questions

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2007, 22:40

Zitat von »coolpat«

Has anyone had any success in changing the pump for a more powerful version (like the DDC-1)? I'd like to hear it!

I don't think it is possible unless you did some major machine work in the bottom plate as there isn't enough room in the bottom.