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What does the Poweradjust do? Do I need one in addition to a Aquaero 6 XT?

Sonntag, 22. November 2015, 21:18

I guess I'm confused as to what a Poweradjust does and if it's needed for my setup in addition to an Aquaero 6 XT?

I plan on having 2 pumps & 14 fans total, so I shouldn't need this
power adjust do I? The 6 XT should be able to handle all of my needs on
it's own right?

Sonntag, 22. November 2015, 21:53

Hi there, and welcome to the forums.

Please try to post questions in english in the english forum.

To answer your question, the poweradjust doesn't really do anything the AE6 can't do on its own. In the earlier versions it provided output wattage the AE4/5 itself couldn't. Nowadays it is still useful if you need an additional high-power output, e.g. if you can't make do with four laing D5 any more and need a fifth. Or you could use it standalone if all you want is to control a single D5 and don't want to buy the whole Aqaero.

For your setup, I guess the AE6 should be able to handle the load alone.
Hier geht's zum RGBAmp
Hinweis: Der RGBAmp stammt nicht von AC und wird nicht offiziell supported!
Note: The RGBAmp is not an AC product and isn't officially supported.

Montag, 23. November 2015, 01:09

Ahh didn't see the English forum, thanks for that tip.

Great to hear I don't need the Poweradjust with the AE6!