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D5 w/USB, PA2, & AQ5

Montag, 16. Mai 2016, 03:11

Hey all,

So I've been searching this forum trying to figure out how to get everything connected properly. For Aquacomputer hardware I've got the following:

6x poweradjust 2 ultra
1x Aquaero 5 XT USB
1x Aquaero 6 XT USB
4x D5 with USB (2 groups of 2)
30x Noctua NF-F12 PWM fans (3 groups of 9)

With that out of the way, I was able to find Nam's guide http://www.serifwebresources.com/phpBB2m…&forumid=872280

But am a little confused as it appears to be for for non Aquabus pumps (although the D5 w/USB did come with the molex w/3 pin).

I would try and do a picture, but the computer is currently apart lol. So what have right now is all four D5 tachs going to four PA2, then the power from my PSU to each D5. And that's where I'm stuck, as I'm pretty sure this isn't correct.

Any help would be great thanks!

Montag, 16. Mai 2016, 03:46

Hi DarkDeLaurel,

What do you plan to use the Poweradjusts for? Why two Aquaeros?

With the configuration that you mentioned in your post, I would guess the connections would be as follows:
- 3 groups of fans connected to the Aquaero 6 (it has 4 PWM ports), which leaves you one port free; not sure if you want to power the fans from the Aquaero or separately (maybe a PWM splitter powered independently) and only get the PWM signal from Aquaero
- 4 D5 USB pumps powered directly from the power supply connected to the Aquaero 6 over aquabus

D5 USB pumps can be connected over USB or over aquabus or both at the same time. You need to connect them over USB to do the initial configuration (set the aquabus ID's as they are all configured with the same ID from the factory), after that you can remove the USB connection if you wish and leave only aquabus connected.

Kind regards,

Montag, 16. Mai 2016, 07:07

Hi bcikota,

Thanks for the reply, the reason for the two AQ's was I purchased the AQ5 first along with the poweradjusts then never had a chance to get to building the machine (too many reasons to list). Then seen the AQ6 was released and grabbed it with the intention of running the 5 as a slave since I wasn't sure if the 6 could power all four pumps and fans (I've also got some pressure, temp, and flow sensors to put in after everything thing else is setup).

The D5's all have a molex connectors on them do those have to be plugged I to anything? In the end if just the AQ6 can power everything along with controlling it all then I'll go that route.

The other thought I have is since it's two separate loops, have the AQ5 power one loop with two pumps and what not related to that then the AQ6 for the other loop with two pumps, etc.

Once again thanks for the information!


Montag, 16. Mai 2016, 10:08

D5 pump molex connections need to be connected to your PSU. The pumps are powered directly from the PSU, they only get the control signal from AQ or over USB.

So, basically, your AQ6 only needs to power the fans, which it should be able to do without a problem.

Keep in mind that AQ5 has only one PWM port, the other three are voltage regulated. And if you use it as a slave I think it only works in voltage regulation mode.

What kind of pressure and flow sensors do you plan to install? Also from Aquaero? If you are planning to use newer MPS devices, keep in mind that you can only have a total of 4 on the aquabus.

Kind regards,

Montag, 16. Mai 2016, 19:45

Hi Boris,

Thanks for the info, I kind of figured the d5's needed molex power still and the Aquabus was the signal control (in an older machine I've got a D5 vario).

They are the newer mps flow and pressure sensors, ideally a flow and pressure sensor per loop along with two temp sensors (just two pin screw in ones). Is the limit of four per each AQ or total? As I'm also using two of the aqualis reserviours.

So I guess what is the best way to configure this? If aquasuite can run two AQs then I'll use both.

Once again thanks for all the help!


Dienstag, 17. Mai 2016, 02:14

Temperature sensors are no problem, but with the newer MPS sensors for flow and pressure you are limited to 4 total on the aquabus. Keep in mind that your D5 USB pumps are also MPS sensors if connected over aquabus. If connected only over USB they are basically standalone units.

By slaving the AQ5, you are giving up on a lot of its possibilities. Some people recommend that it is better to ran two AQ's completely separately.

Check this thread for some more information:
Can I run 8 x aquabus d5 pumps

Kind regards,

Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016, 01:17

Hi Boris,

Thanks for the link to that thread. So if i understand correctly I won't need to use the PA2's I have. Unfortunately it looks like the thread kind of died so I have a few more questions.

1. Aquasuite is able to handle two AQ's, but at the time needed some work arounds from the sound of it, is that still the case with Aquasuite 2016?

2. There was talk about using a splitter cable on the pumps so two would read as one (which I am fine with as they are in a dual pump top). The person who posted they tried seemed to have had issues but really didn't go into details on how they tried it. Would that be possible? Using a splitter?



Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016, 02:14

Hi DarkDeLaurel,

Not sure about the first question, never really tried it. I have seen posts from users who are using multiple Aquaeros, so I would try it. You can connect them temporarily to a computer and check if Aquasuite reads them correctly.

About the second question, what they are talking about is the splitter cable for aquabus, it just allows you to connect multiple devices on one port, but they still need to have unique addresses for it to work.

Yes, from your configuration, I would say you won't need the PA2's.

If you already bought everything and you don't want to spend any more money, I would run the pumps from USB only. This will give you control from the Aquasuite, and usually that is all you need because you set the pumps to a certain speed and forget about them. To the Aquaero 6 I would connect the other MPS sensors (pressure, flow) so you can setup alarms, actions and whatnot.

Kind regards,

Mittwoch, 18. Mai 2016, 14:47

The aquasuite can manage an almost unlimited amount of devices - also of the same type - since ages. Each device will get its own tab which can be also modified with a custom name to be able to easily differ between the devices.