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Control another brand pump with a quadro/octo ?

Mittwoch, 8. April 2020, 01:01

Hello !

I'm sorry for my bad english .. I'm french :P

I just mounted 1 week ago my first custom watercooling and i have chosen an Octo from aquacomputeur to monitoring my 6 fans (2 radiator with 3 fan each). I still have 2 fan header on the octo.

My pump is an "ek waterblock xres 140 revo d5 rgb" who's connected to my motherboard with pwm on pump header (Fan-opt)

Simple question can i just connect my pump pwm cable on a fan header of the OCTO ? It is ok to control the pump like if it was a fan ? (i'm suppose my motherboard already do it that way but i'm not 100% sure)

I see that the OCTO can manage 25W output for each fan ? My pump is a 23w max pump. So it's safe ?
(by the aquasuite is just awesome !)Thanks in advance ! :D


Junior Member

Mittwoch, 8. April 2020, 06:28

Ek D5 pumps get power from separate 4PIN IDE connector, so you don't have to worry about the output power of the fan controller as long as it's PWM controller.

I have 1 Aquaero and 3+ Quadros and they all control pumps from various manufacturers just fine.

Mittwoch, 8. April 2020, 13:49

Ek D5 pumps get power from separate 4PIN IDE connector, so you don't have to worry about the output power of the fan controller as long as it's PWM controller.

I have 1 Aquaero and 3+ Quadros and they all control pumps from various manufacturers just fine.

Ok thanks you for your response :D

I'm gonna plug this pwm pump connector on my octo


Junior Member

Donnerstag, 30. April 2020, 18:03

I'm probably a bit late to this, but I'm controlling a EK-XTOP Revo D5 just fine with my Quadro and it works great.