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Re: german -> english translations

Sunday, November 13th 2005, 2:36pm

Quoted from "MUFFDIVER"

the 1 thing i have never been able to grasp is the backwards german. what i mean is if i say "At the weekend i play football"

In german its "am Wochenende spielte ich Fußball"

So it translates "At the weekend played I football"

I understand when someone is speaking to me but still its baffling.

sorry, but when you translate "at the weekend i play football"
it will be in german "am wochenende spiele ich fussball"
and then you translate it correct back to english.
"spielte" is past. the same past as "played"
the gramatically correct translation of "at the weekend i play football" is "an dem wochenende spiele ich fussball".
the shortcut of "an dem" -> "am" is the same like yours "did not" -> "didn't"
von all den dingen die mir sind verloren gegangen,
habe ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen

Re: german -> english translations

Sunday, November 13th 2005, 5:58pm


sorry, but when you translate "at the weekend i play football"
it will be in german "am wochenende spiele ich fussball"
and then you translate it correct back to english.
"spielte" is past. the same past as "played"
the gramatically correct translation of "at the weekend i play football" is "an dem wochenende spiele ich fussball".
the shortcut of "an dem" -> "am" is the same like yours "did not" -> "didn't"

although MUFFDIVER said spielte instead of spiele, i think his point was that the literal translation of the words is the other way round in german as compared to english.

i.e.: at the weekend i play football = english word order

at the weekend play i football = german (/yoda  ;D) word order

Re: german -> english translations

Monday, November 14th 2005, 9:52am

but you can now see the massive confusion it is for both german and english to learn the opposite language.

Re: german -> english translations

Monday, November 28th 2005, 8:17am

Does this board have a twit filter?

Re: german -> english translations

Monday, November 28th 2005, 3:15pm

a what?

Re: german -> english translations

Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 9:21am

Quoted from "MUFFDIVER"

a what?

TWIT-FILTER: Option in some offline readers that allows user to make a list of names of people whose messages will not show up, effectively silencing them.

Re: german -> english translations

Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 8:01pm

a mute and your calling me a twit ??? :'(

but hey anyways i have seen that on banned from life forum. i guess it shud be able to be implemented. who is the main *chef* round here? or php guru?

Re: german -> english translations

Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 8:06pm

a user from ac did not make this forum as such... i think you can just get/buy the code off somewhere.. i could be wrong. Stephan and Stefan are the main boss's

Re: german -> english translations

Tuesday, November 29th 2005, 8:49pm

this forum uses perl, not php...
and Dino (da Admin) says he won't mess around with any extensions...
Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.

Re: german -> english translations

Monday, January 2nd 2006, 2:02am

vBulletin is the easiest and most expansive in nature. :-X

Re: german -> english translations

Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 1:04am

but will stay at yabb ;D
von all den dingen die mir sind verloren gegangen,
habe ich am meisten an meinem Verstand gehangen

Re: german -> english translations

Tuesday, January 3rd 2006, 5:19pm

Im using VBulletin and have had no problems but theres a saying or it go's something like this.

Why fix it if it aint broken

or it go's like this ::) ??? :P

Why change it if it aint broken.

Summing like that n e wayz....

Re: german -> english translations

Saturday, February 11th 2006, 5:45am

Who can I contact to get my password for Top_Nurse? I tried the re-mail password button and it never came. After ten tries I decided to make TN2 so I could log on to the Forum. :'( :'(

Re: german -> english translations

Saturday, February 11th 2006, 9:59am

Quoted from "TN2"

Who can I contact to get my password for Top_Nurse?  I tried the re-mail password button and it never came.  After ten tries I decided to make TN2 so I could log on to the Forum.   :'( :'(

write an email to Sebastian

Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.

Re: german -> english translations

Thursday, June 14th 2007, 2:53am

@ muffdriver

i think the phrase you are looking for is: "never change a running system."

or i did not really get your point  ;D
Zim: You're nothing Earth boy! Go home and shave your giant head of smell with your bad self!
Dib: Okay... There's all kinds of things wrong with what you just said.

Re: german -> english translations

Saturday, June 16th 2007, 8:03pm

Well i did say "Summing like that n e wayz...."


But i have learned a new phrase which may come in handy

"Dorf Trottel" = Village idiot




Junior Member

Re: german -> english translations

Thursday, April 10th 2008, 1:44pm

Aren't there language packs for this forum, that in combination with a small add-on in the userprofile to change the language of the forum text to preference...

Should come in handy :)
[ + ] Immortality is only for those who are fit for it. [+]

Re: german -> english translations

Thursday, April 10th 2008, 1:58pm

this forum is quite old (=>unstable in some places) and the admin does not want to mess around with plugins...

there are plans to upgrade to yabb 2, but...
Gute work-live-balance ist, wenn man von seinem Privatleben erschöpfter ist als von der Arbeit.


Junior Member

Re: german -> english translations

Friday, April 11th 2008, 10:32am

Hehe, i know the feeling, I manage a couple website's myself... it's hard to upgrade stuff nowaday's without messing things up pretty badly
[ + ] Immortality is only for those who are fit for it. [+]


Junior Member

Re: german -> english translations

Wednesday, June 25th 2008, 5:55pm

just run the site on something like http://babelfish.yahoo.com/translate_txt
and it becomes readable somethings will look wierd but understandable :)
hehe would love a complete english version of the site thou ;D