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Quoted from "MUFFDIVER"
the 1 thing i have never been able to grasp is the backwards german. what i mean is if i say "At the weekend i play football"
In german its "am Wochenende spielte ich Fußball"
So it translates "At the weekend played I football"
I understand when someone is speaking to me but still its baffling.
sorry, but when you translate "at the weekend i play football"
it will be in german "am wochenende spiele ich fussball"
and then you translate it correct back to english.
"spielte" is past. the same past as "played"
the gramatically correct translation of "at the weekend i play football" is "an dem wochenende spiele ich fussball".
the shortcut of "an dem" -> "am" is the same like yours "did not" -> "didn't"
Quoted from "TN2"
Who can I contact to get my password for Top_Nurse? I tried the re-mail password button and it never came. After ten tries I decided to make TN2 so I could log on to the Forum. :'( :'(