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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Dec 17th 2021, 4:25pm)
Thanks Sebastian, but having read that I'm unclear what aspect of the new Inputs module would require a firmware update to the Quadro?
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Dec 18th 2021, 1:49am)
Change log says X47 was released as a beta version on November 4th and as a regular, non-beta version on December 16th, so I don't think it's a beta version anymore. I don't know if the non-beta version is the same as the beta version or if they fixed some bugs before releasing it as non-beta.So!! Is this beta or not and how do I go back to X45
Why is so hard to get response to simple inquiry. If we don't knows whether this is a still beta or final, how anyone can trust installing any updates, especially when you can't revert to previous version
I appreciate that. In deed, It looks like its final. I haven't been at forum for ages, but when I did once or twice in the past who knows how long I came across some complaint about X47, so I assumed we were still dealing with it, at the same time I have never had "Insider version" installed while opt. from it.Change log says X47 was released as a beta version on November 4th and as a regular, non-beta version on December 16th, so I don't think it's a beta version anymore. I don't know if the non-beta version is the same as the beta version or if they fixed some bugs before releasing it as non-beta.So!! Is this beta or not and how do I go back to X45
Why is so hard to get response to simple inquiry. If we don't knows whether this is a still beta or final, how anyone can trust installing any updates, especially when you can't revert to previous version
The Change Log is in the first post of this thread. Neu: aquasuite X
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "edhunter" (Dec 27th 2021, 2:45pm)
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Andrei" (Jan 3rd 2022, 12:36pm)
That would work fine but i'm an idiot...I could not tie background service status to an alarm, as alarms appear to only be tied to ports on the device itself (at least on an octo).
But you can display status on the desktop with a display page:
- make a virtual sensor that has a hard input/output of 1, no unit type {[attach]9009[/attach]}
- create a display page to show that virtual sensor value {[attach]9010[/attach]}
- when the background service goes away {[attach]9011[/attach]}
- the desktop value shows 3 dashes (no data) {[attach]9012[/attach]}
Well, it's my windows problem.Today i found that aquasuite doesn't work anymore. Service cannot start automatically, after manual start it stops after few seconds.
Tried to reinstall software but installer can't detect my Octo and installer stops. Although HWInfo sees it and shows stats.
How to fix it? Is there any way i can get standalone installer?
Faulting module name: KERNELBASE.dll, version: 10.0.19041.1387