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Ok thanks... may post in general forum... any way to DL x.46? that was solid for me.In the forum I have not seen such a behavior, if it was a general error of the x.47 you would be able to read that here.
Have you tried to disable the hardware monitoring?
I suspect that hardware monitoring is interfering with something in your system.
Wednesday, January 12th 2022, 11:07pm
Thursday, January 13th 2022, 5:33am
Hello everyone! Need help. I have Aquaero 6 LT + Aquabus X4 and two Flow Sensor MPS Flow 400. Can I connect both MPS400 by port Aquabas and will the flow sensors work correctly? Or still need to connect to the system only with USB? Thanks in advance.
Thursday, January 13th 2022, 6:40am
Hello everyone! Need help. I have Aquaero 6 LT + Aquabus X4 and two Flow Sensor MPS Flow 400. Can I connect both MPS400 by port Aquabas and will the flow sensors work correctly? Or still need to connect to the system only with USB? Thanks in advance.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Bartdude" (Jan 13th 2022, 10:24am)
Thursday, January 13th 2022, 11:22am
Accepted. Thanks a lot. So I will do. Alternately connect each and update the firmware, and then in the port of Aquabas.Всем привет! Нужна помощь. У меня Aquaero 6 LT + Aquabus X4 и два Flow Sensor MPS Flow 400. Могу ли я подключить оба MPS400 через порт Aquabas и будут ли правильно работать датчики расхода? Или все-таки нужно подключаться к системе только с USB? Заранее спасибо.
Два датчика MPS Flow 400 будут работать только через aquabus, но вы должны назначить каждому датчику отдельный адрес aquabus.
Для серии MPS Flow доступны четыре адреса aquabus (12, 13, 14, 15).
Вы также сможете увидеть внутренний и внешний датчик температуры (если внешний датчик температуры подключен)
. В РУКОВОДСТВЕ AQUAERO есть таблица адресов устройств aquabus в разделе 23.1.
Thursday, January 13th 2022, 11:27am
Thanks a lot. With a segment of five centimeters before and after MPS400, everything is respected. Thank you again.Hello everyone! Need help. I have Aquaero 6 LT + Aquabus X4 and two Flow Sensor MPS Flow 400. Can I connect both MPS400 by port Aquabas and will the flow sensors work correctly? Or still need to connect to the system only with USB? Thanks in advance.
Initially you will need to connect the MPS 400 by USB in order for the system to recognise them. Then you may remove the USB and connect by Aquabus, however you will also be required to reconnect USB for any future firmware upgrades. I have both USB and Aquabus connected and it is not a problem. Most important is to make sure you have 5cm of straight tubing before and after each MPS device.
Quote from Aquacomputer manual for MPS Device:
9.2. Connector “aquabus” 9.2. Connector “aquabus”
Connectors for communication with other devices from Aqua Computer. If connected to an aquaero 5/6 controller by a 4 pin aquabus cable (53122), the USB
connection to the PC may be disconnected after initial configuration. In this case,
power will be supplied through the aquabus connection from the aquaero 5/6.
Is Aquasuite Nvidia GPU power monitoring still down?
I'm still on X.36 )
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "phuzz" (Jan 14th 2022, 4:43pm)