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You have to wait. Notifications arrive you with a delay from 8h up to 24h after a release. You post 2h after a release for a missing notification.Still no notification of new aquasuite version (X17) given
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Knud" (Apr 21st 2020, 2:52pm)
We are not notifying all at the same time.
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Norceno" (Apr 21st 2020, 6:29pm)
with a farbwerk 360 you can use this, with the profiles.And I wanted to make a feature request: is there a possibility that in the future we'll have an ability to turn off the particular "LED mode" on the strip (attached a picture so you can understand what I mean), so we can have a few sets of effects attached to the same leds and we can switch them based on the mood?
I had the same issue as Knud (I'm using Octo too) on X16 version (still have not met it on X17 though) - after reboot everything works fine and then suddenly sensors stops working, restarting the service does not help, only reboot helps. It's a random bug - might happen once a day or every half an hour..
Also starting from X17 version I faced another bug with my Octo: after turning on the PC\reboot my RGBpx are swithched on even if they were manually turned off before powering off my PC\reboot (I'm using AmbientPX and turning it on only when watching movies\YouTube at the evening, so it's rather annoying bug).
And I wanted to make a feature request: is there a possibility that in the future we'll have an ability to turn off the particular "LED mode" on the strip (attached a picture so you can understand what I mean), so we can have a few sets of effects attached to the same leds and we can switch them based on the mood? I mean right now we can add the new mode to the same LEDs but the effects are not applied.. Seems like an easy-to-implement feature (and rather basic one!)Thanks in advance!
I just updated to X.12 (I'm not sure from which version but not very old, probably last year) and my sensors got messed up. I'm using VISION and mps. Is this expected?
maybe this is related to this:…en-After-UpdateI just got the Quadro for fan control, but I'm facing a problem where it won't pick up the CPU temperature.
Other programs don't seem to have this problem, and only fix is to restart my computer.
Don't have Vanguard installed, so it can't be that.maybe this is related to this:…en-After-UpdateI just got the Quadro for fan control, but I'm facing a problem where it won't pick up the CPU temperature.
Other programs don't seem to have this problem, and only fix is to restart my computer.
try to disable Vanguard