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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "rad" (Aug 17th 2020, 2:06pm)
Have you tried increasing the 'Start delay' in the aquasuite settings tab? start_delay.jpganyone else notice that the until you restart the service, nothing happens with the fans after x26, if i restart the service it works and its not all the time, appears random.
no will try this thanks!Have you tried increasing the 'Start delay' in the aquasuite settings tab? [attach]7688[/attach]anyone else notice that the until you restart the service, nothing happens with the fans after x26, if i restart the service it works and its not all the time, appears random.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "henson0115" (Sep 14th 2020, 2:36pm)
ive changed the delay to 2 seconds and so far so good, if i see any other similar issues i will adjust to 3 and so on. the monitoring conflict has subsequently gone away. very odd but at least its working as intended now! thanks again for the assisti am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this.
I, and many, use HWiNFO and I have never had a conflict related to it.
Hopefully delaying the startup will improve your user experience.
gets a bit odder, every now and again randomly, the service needs a reboot after start up, else the fans will ignore the curve. once rebooted (the service) it all works fine.ive changed the delay to 2 seconds and so far so good, if i see any other similar issues i will adjust to 3 and so on. the monitoring conflict has subsequently gone away. very odd but at least its working as intended now! thanks again for the assisti am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this.
I, and many, use HWiNFO and I have never had a conflict related to it.
Hopefully delaying the startup will improve your user experience.![]()