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Monday, August 17th 2020, 1:08pm

try to install the lastest vcredist package from microsoft.

Have you installed the aquasuite into the default path:


C:\Program Files\aquasuite
and all windows Updates installed?

Monday, August 17th 2020, 1:28pm

Thanks, yes I've installed into default folder. And .net 4.8 runtime package from the installer link to Microsoft site

Actually after installing the latest graphics drivers this fixed the issue. Don't know whether it was the graphics driver itself or the redist package installed along with the nvidia package.

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "rad" (Aug 17th 2020, 2:06pm)


Junior Member

Tuesday, August 25th 2020, 11:10am

anyone else notice that the until you restart the service, nothing happens with the fans after x26, if i restart the service it works and its not all the time, appears random.

Tuesday, August 25th 2020, 12:43pm

anyone else notice that the until you restart the service, nothing happens with the fans after x26, if i restart the service it works and its not all the time, appears random.
Have you tried increasing the 'Start delay' in the aquasuite settings tab? start_delay.jpg


Full Member

Thursday, September 10th 2020, 12:30am

Noticed the new X.27 version. I guess this is available for download since it’s not an insider. There is no date or version designation for the download. Does anyone know if this is correct?
Asus Maximus Z790 Apex, Intel 13900KS, Asus 4090 Strix, Phanteks Enthoo Elite, GSkill F5-8000J3848H16GX2-TZRK, Asus ROG XG349C, EKWB Quantum Kinetic TBE 300 D5 and VTX 160, Corsair AX1600i, Asus Claymore 2, Asus ROG Gladius III, Samsung 990


Junior Member

Monday, September 14th 2020, 2:32pm

anyone else notice that the until you restart the service, nothing happens with the fans after x26, if i restart the service it works and its not all the time, appears random.
Have you tried increasing the 'Start delay' in the aquasuite settings tab? [attach]7688[/attach]
no will try this thanks!

actually tried x27 first, this makes it even worse, if i enable any of the hardware monitoring (tick the hardware monitoring boxes), the fans get stuck at like 1300rpm, if i disable all fo the options, they work again. i am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this.

now gunna try adjusting the start up delay

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "henson0115" (Sep 14th 2020, 2:36pm)

Tuesday, September 15th 2020, 1:13am

i am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this.

I, and many, use HWiNFO and I have never had a conflict related to it.
Hopefully delaying the startup will improve your user experience.


Junior Member

Tuesday, September 15th 2020, 5:28pm

i am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this.

I, and many, use HWiNFO and I have never had a conflict related to it.
Hopefully delaying the startup will improve your user experience.
ive changed the delay to 2 seconds and so far so good, if i see any other similar issues i will adjust to 3 and so on. the monitoring conflict has subsequently gone away. very odd but at least its working as intended now! thanks again for the assist :)


Junior Member

Friday, September 25th 2020, 6:28pm

i am also using hwinfo and i think its a clash with this.

I, and many, use HWiNFO and I have never had a conflict related to it.
Hopefully delaying the startup will improve your user experience.
ive changed the delay to 2 seconds and so far so good, if i see any other similar issues i will adjust to 3 and so on. the monitoring conflict has subsequently gone away. very odd but at least its working as intended now! thanks again for the assist :)
gets a bit odder, every now and again randomly, the service needs a reboot after start up, else the fans will ignore the curve. once rebooted (the service) it all works fine.

Wednesday, September 30th 2020, 9:43am

Can I control the RGB of my Asus Hero X motherboard ? And same for the Corsair Waterblock XC7 ?

Wednesday, September 30th 2020, 9:53am

You Can only control LEDs that connected with aqua computer devices.

Wednesday, September 30th 2020, 10:22am

You Can only control LEDs that connected with aqua computer devices.

Ok, so if I connect my XC7 and XG7 waterblock to a Quadro or Octo, it should work ?
That's also mean I can't control the RGB of my motherboard, correct ?
Thanks for your help.

Wednesday, September 30th 2020, 2:19pm

No, you can't. The motherboard LEDs cannot be controlled from the outside.
I can't say much about the water blocks, according to the manual they have a three pin connector, but it doesn't fit on a Quadro or Octo.
The RGBpx Splitty 4 offers the possibility to adapt Corsair LED fans, but it has a four-pin connector for the fan LEDs, so this will probably not work.
So I would assume that there is no possibility!

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Es gibt keinen Ausweg, den ein Mensch nicht beschreitet, um die tatsächliche Arbeit des Denkens zu vermeiden.
Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), amerik. Erfinder


Full Member

Wednesday, September 30th 2020, 3:57pm

Corsair XC7's RGB connector looks quite similar to those on Corsair RGB fans, and Corsair i-cue controller compatibility is claimed. So it should work with any Aquacomputer RGBpx controllers (in Quadro/Octo/D5NEXT/farbwerk360) through Splitty4. Although XC7 connector is 3-pin, meaning it does not have "data out" wired, so this block should only be connected as last device in any RGBpx LED chain.

Monday, October 12th 2020, 2:08am

My temperature sensors randomly disappear forcing my pump and fans to 100%, is there a fix for this ?


Full Member

Wednesday, January 13th 2021, 8:42am

If it is a software sensor (not a phy sensor connected to an aquacomputer device) then most likely, your aquacomputer device loses USB connection.
Make sure that your Windows power plan do not allow to disable USB connections.


Junior Member


Thursday, January 14th 2021, 5:23am

After Jan 13 OCTO is now dead in the water. Won’t work at all connected to USB or standalone. Worked perfect before update.

Thursday, January 14th 2021, 8:17am


After Jan 13 OCTO is now dead in the water. Won’t work at all connected to USB or standalone. Worked perfect before update.
write a Mail to the Support.

The version X35 is online. All those who have updated to version X32..X34 should update to X35.


Junior Member

Thursday, January 14th 2021, 8:42am

Annoying that we know have to unplug all fans from quadro for instance to update.. need to replug pump on motherboard and so...

Thursday, January 14th 2021, 10:29am

Annoying that we know have to unplug all fans from quadro for instance to update.. need to replug pump on motherboard and so...
This. All these updates in the last days were kinda annoying, but this just put the cherry on top :thumbdown: