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you purchase will always function as purchased, without additional cost
You were told before the update that your update service had expired, if you are upset that you didn't read it, or ignored it, Aquacomputer can't help it.Quoted
Unfortunately not, I received an update notification directly form
aquasuite software and then after installing everything is blocked.
Update should not be proposed if you d'ont have the licence for it.
I told youQuoted
And I don't find where to download previous version on the website in
order to make it work again, and I have other stuff to do than managing
this issue.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Apr 16th 2023, 7:16pm)
And I don't find where to download previous version on the website in order to make it work again, and I have other stuff to do than managing this issue.
I addition, no payment by card, now I have to by by ... wire :cursing:
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "InfoSeeker" (Apr 16th 2023, 8:31pm)
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Thunder-74" (May 7th 2023, 11:51am)
Thank you for the tip, this worked. I ended up signing up to HWINFO Pro because in free/portable version the shared memory function turns off after 12 hours. For £24 per year, I can set it and forget it!You can have HWinfo sensors in Aquasuite.
On HWinfo's "general / user interface" settings, you have to enable Shared Memory Support.
Then Aquasuite should pick up HWinfo and add it to the list of available sensors you can use.
My 2 cents:Thank you for the tip, this worked. I ended up signing up to HWINFO Pro because in free/portable version the shared memory function turns off after 12 hours. For £24 per year, I can set it and forget it!
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "NuggetsMT07" (Jun 16th 2023, 11:11pm)
Thanks for the tips, I will give it a go using water can quiet that down by making a virtual temperature sensor in the Playground.
Add your CPU package as input, add something to soften the response, like an averaging module (X=avg(t)) You can set in the average what timespan to average through in seconds. and connect that to your temperature output.
That solution is useful if your CPU is air cooled.
If you watercool, you basically shouldn't control the fans with the CPU temperature but with the water temperature.
The water soaks up those spikes of... heat emission from the CPU package. And all you'd care about is keeping the water cool. the fans cool the water, and not the CPU directly.