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Thursday, March 17th 2022, 12:55pm

I use Right-Click on the Input-Sensor Bar,
at the virtual sensor page the behavior is diffent and working. otherwise create an sensor an import your sensors

Thursday, March 17th 2022, 6:33pm

CPU: i7 11700k
MOBO: Z590 Torpedo
OS: Win 10 64bit 21H1
AQS license on OCTO

980 PRO in PCIe #1 slot (PCIe 4.0 speed)
980 PRO in PCIe #2 slot (PCIe 3.0 speed)
both disks shows at 0.0*C
and ofc I do have SSD/Harddisk option selected.
I tried to unselect all except SSD in AQS, still nothing.

The aquasuite picks up my Samsung SSD 980 Pro ([attach]9311[/attach])
CPU: i9-9980XE
MOBO: MSI X299 Gaming Pro Carbon AC
OS: Win 11 64bit 21H2

You may want to contact support directly.
As I said X.49 was perfectly fine.
trapist_e has attached the following image:
  • capture.png


Senior Member

Friday, March 18th 2022, 8:49pm

Travelled back home tonight and saw there was X51 update...
i check the changelog, start the download, install.. reboot...

and in to the firmware updates.. one octo, two FW360, one Nano.. they all went okay..
when i restarted Aquasuite, i checked my virtual sensors, my dashboard, the CPU usage with the new version.. and uh.. well everything went perfectly.

I'm sorry to report all is good :p

(that's for when i say that only people with problems post in forums :p)


Junior Member

Friday, March 18th 2022, 11:21pm

Works fine for me, but x51 is my first install.
CPU: i7 11700k
MOBO: Z590 Torpedo
OS: Win 10 64bit 21H1
AQS license on OCTO

980 PRO in PCIe #1 slot (PCIe 4.0 speed)
980 PRO in PCIe #2 slot (PCIe 3.0 speed)
both disks shows at 0.0*C
and ofc I do have SSD/Harddisk option selected.
I tried to unselect all except SSD in AQS, still nothing.

The aquasuite picks up my Samsung SSD 980 Pro ([attach]9311[/attach])
CPU: i9-9980XE
MOBO: MSI X299 Gaming Pro Carbon AC
OS: Win 11 64bit 21H2

You may want to contact support directly.
As I said X.49 was perfectly fine.
strumf666 has attached the following image:
  • aqs_p80pro.png

Saturday, March 19th 2022, 3:14am

It would help if there were a horizontal bar between Input options in the aquasuite Inputs displayed in the system tray.

Nice - [attach]9212[/attach]
Again and again, did you try to check what on my picture? There is time how long HWINFO64 is running and unbelievable - 1 minute, shared memory stopped after 12 hours!
Hi there. Just in case you haven't solved this problem yet, can I suggest something? I had the exact same problem as you, I could not get HWInfo reporting in Aquasuite despite many reinstalls, different versions and reboots. Yes, this was using the Pro version with permanent shared memory support. I made this account to post here asking for help, but first read through this thread. I found the below quote from Speedy-VI:


Assuming you have Shared Memory Support enabled in HWIFO, you can also try downloading the Shared Memory Viewer utility. https://www.hwinfo.com/beta/HWiNFOSharedMemoryViewer.exe.7z This utility will display the Shared Memory data that HWINFO is providing. If the viewer utility looks OK but it still does not work, post back here and maybe we can help you figure out what is going on.
I ran the Shared Memory Viewer and it confirmed that my problem was with HWInfo. It also mentioned that for shared memory to work, I had to not just have the option ticked in settings, but the Sensors window had to be open (which I didn't know). I ticked the option to have Sensors open on start, and the minimise sensors on start option, and refreshed the memory viewer tool. Now data is being shared, and Aquasuite can see it perfectly.

It had been frustrating me for months, but it had been working fine before I did an OS wipe and fresh install. Now I realise I must have changed how I had HWInfo configured, and had the sensors window not starting. Unfortunately I had no idea it was needed, and unless I'm blind and missed it, it isn't stated anywhere that you need it open for shared memory to work.

If you're still struggling with this issue, I hope this provides some useful help.

Saturday, March 19th 2022, 7:43am

I must be missing something.

I don't even have HWINFO installed (ok strictly speaking I just uninstalled it and rebooted out of curiousity) and AQS still works just fine (including all my Virtual sensors).

why would I need a 3rd Party sensor monitor ?


Full Member

Saturday, March 19th 2022, 3:46pm

I must be missing something.

I don't even have HWINFO installed (ok strictly speaking I just uninstalled it and rebooted out of curiousity) and AQS still works just fine (including all my Virtual sensors).

why would I need a 3rd Party sensor monitor ?
X51 works fine here as well. Most likely you might not need anything else, unless your hardware is not included in AQS and if that's the case e.g. HWiNFO can dig deep for you to get most sensors readouts and share the memory with AQS.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dundys" (Mar 19th 2022, 3:50pm)


Senior Member

Saturday, March 19th 2022, 5:26pm

During several releases AQS had difficulty polling infos from Nvidia, and it was even totally disabled for a while if i remember well.
Some of us used HWinfo in the meantime, and voilà.. sensors and dashboard polling off a 3rd party software.
But technically we could change the sensor source back to AQS and only use that.

Saturday, March 19th 2022, 8:42pm

During several releases AQS had difficulty polling infos from Nvidia, and it was even totally disabled for a while if i remember well.
Some of us used HWinfo in the meantime, and voilà.. sensors and dashboard polling off a 3rd party software.
But technically we could change the sensor source back to AQS and only use that.

ah, so technically using HWINFO is a "workaround" ;o)

Gott it :)

Saturday, March 19th 2022, 8:47pm

AQS had difficulty polling infos from Nvidia, and it was even totally disabled for a while if i remember well.
No! Nvidia has some fatal driver issues. we have diabled only the power monitoring. This is not relevant for the most of our customers.


Senior Member

Monday, March 21st 2022, 12:38am

I must be missing something.

I don't even have HWINFO installed (ok strictly speaking I just uninstalled it and rebooted out of curiousity) and AQS still works just fine (including all my Virtual sensors).

why would I need a 3rd Party sensor monitor ?
In my case, my RAM is overclocked and I like to keep an eye on DIMM temps. As you can see in this IMAGE AQS does not report DIMM temps but HWINFO does. I also use it to monitor WHEA errors which I don't think AQS does. HWINFO's sole focus is sensor and system polling, and it is updated often. The author (Martin) has done a huge amount of research about how to poll Ryzen CPU's properly, and has extensive pop up notes that describe in detail what the sensor values mean and how they are derived. This information pops up when you hover the cursor over any sensor value. There is a ton of great information in those pop ups. Since I run HWINFO to get DIMM temps and WHEA error count, I have all direct monitoring in AQS disabled because once HFWINO is running, everything AQS reports is redundant.

Also, the more programs you have polling things, the greater the chance of polling collisions. When polling sensors, the program is supposed to use a synchronization method - usually a Global Mutex, to ensure that polling is synchronized with other polling requests so that collisions do not occur. I know that HWINFO uses global mutexes to synchronize sensor polling, but I am not 100% sure that AQS does in call cases. There was a thread about this a few weeks ago wherein OP was getting bad data from AQS when it polled a certain EC controller on his MSI mobo. OP posted about this in this forum and the HWINFO forum. The author of HWINFO said it looked to him like AQS was not using the proper synchronization mutex for this particular controller, which is an issue that plagues some software (iCue is a huger offender). When OP posted about this here, Aquacomputer (Sebastian) REPLIED that they poll this controller "the correct way" but he never actually stated that they use the proper Global Mutex to do it. I pressed on this point several times but he never confirmed or denied it and just said that "The aquasuite has a synconized access with hwinfo. The direct hw monitoring is a complete different thing. When you have issues with the Monitoring use only ONE Monitoring software. You can disable the aquasuite Monitoring or dont use hwinfo.". So I am not 100% sure and just use HWINFO which I know uses the proper Global Mutexes to synchronize sensor polling.


Junior Member

Tuesday, March 22nd 2022, 11:14pm

Is it possible to not have the fans and pump go to 100% at power on?


Senior Member

Wednesday, March 23rd 2022, 12:16am

yes, just reduce the fallback power on the fan channel. it's at 100% by default

Wednesday, March 23rd 2022, 4:56pm

Works fine for me, but x51 is my first install.
CPU: i7 11700k
MOBO: Z590 Torpedo
OS: Win 10 64bit 21H1
AQS license on OCTO

980 PRO in PCIe #1 slot (PCIe 4.0 speed)
980 PRO in PCIe #2 slot (PCIe 3.0 speed)
both disks shows at 0.0*C
and ofc I do have SSD/Harddisk option selected.
I tried to unselect all except SSD in AQS, still nothing.

The aquasuite picks up my Samsung SSD 980 Pro ([attach]9311[/attach])
CPU: i9-9980XE
MOBO: MSI X299 Gaming Pro Carbon AC
OS: Win 11 64bit 21H2

You may want to contact support directly.
As I said X.49 was perfectly fine.
So it seems like Z590 southbridge is the only problem in new x.51 AQS?

RGBpx Crashes

Friday, April 1st 2022, 2:10pm

I'm not sure if this merits a dedicated thread so thought I'd start here. Any time I edit the RGBpx settings Aquasuite crashes, sometimes before I can even make a single change, and it seems to happen much more frequently with .51. I tried updating vcredist as suggested in an older thread, but that doesn't seem to have helped. I'm running Aquasuite with an Octo on WIndows 10. It only happens when I try to edit the RGBpx settings, usually when I try to switch from one group of lights to another. Changing fan parameters is no problem. Any fixes, even if it means using an older version? I'll include what I hope is the relevant info from Event Viewer Below. Thanks!
Faulting module name: unknown, version:, time stamp: 0x000000000
Exception Code: 0xc00000005
Fault offset: 0x00007ffb6bfed69d

Friday, April 1st 2022, 2:27pm

I tried updating vcredist as suggested in an older thread, but that doesn't seem to have helped.

otherwise reset the device to factory defaults in the system page and try it again.
Sometimes this happens when a microsoft update is running or the system waits for a restart.
If you are using an anti-virus software other than Defender, check if the software blocks aquasuite.


Junior Member

Upgraded to X.53 this morning and lost all the sensor names on my LeakShield.

Tuesday, April 5th 2022, 2:32pm

Upgraded to X.53 this morning and lost all the sensor names on my LeakShield. Values still show properly. Every sensor just has an empty name. My OCTO and high flow NEXT did not have any issues with the sensor naming after the upgrade. Anyway to reset these to the default sensor names? Previously I was on X.51.

Tuesday, April 5th 2022, 2:37pm

Power off your system (unplug power) and wait a few minutes before you it power on.


Junior Member

Tuesday, April 5th 2022, 3:17pm

Power off your system (unplug power) and wait a few minutes before you it power on.
Thanks! That worked. All my sensor names are back.

Wednesday, April 20th 2022, 7:53pm

I updated to X.53 and now my OCTO is stuck on firmware 1 and when I try to update, it just gets stuck on 1% or 3%. I've tried unplugging power for 5 minutes and trying again twice, running as administrator and unplugging everything except my keyboard and mouse while trying to update. Is there anything else I should try?