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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Jubijub" (Aug 15th 2022, 12:05am)
Question about virtual sensors : is there any way to have more than 4 ?
Rationale : I use my AQ6 to run 2 loops. Each loop has a D5 next pump and a Flow Next sensor, and for each loop I have an intake and an exhaust air temp probe.
I run my loops using set points on Delta T, calculated as the temp difference between Water and Air for each loop. So far I have one for the GPU loop, and one for the CPU loop.
My issue : I would love to have an average, or a min/max or water and air temperature (I am well aware that for water for instance the difference will always be < 0.5°C), but this could provide a failsafe if one sensor failed. This would require to configure a virtual sensor for both water and air, then the delta T, so I would need 6 virtual sensors instead of 4.
Is there anyone else who has having trouble with virtual sensor on the x57 version. The newly created sensor, reports the input and not the output value. What can be done in that case. Thank you.
Hmm. I never played with this preset before but just tried it. I don't understand the sliders that slide from each end. Ex - Display Duration. Are the numbers on the slider equal to seconds? If I set the right slider to 20 is that 20 seconds? If I set the left slider to 10 then change it to 20, what exactly does that do? Same with Blank Time. What does moving the left slider do? I messed around with the sliders and its hard to tell.Yesterday i found a repeatable bug with RGBPx on Farbwerk360.
Setting my CPU block to the Shutter effect, the shutter speed min/max slider can crash Aquasuite.
Setting the minimum speed slider to less than 1 crashes the app instantly
Setting the maximum speed slider lower than 5 crashes the app after a few seconds, sometimes instantly.
I don't know if it's just on my end or if it's a general bug that needs to be adressed.
We cant reproduce this issue, less than 1 is not possible, the minimum settings is 1. Make a screenshot from your settings.Yesterday i found a repeatable bug with RGBPx on Farbwerk360.
Setting my CPU block to the Shutter effect, the shutter speed min/max slider can crash Aquasuite.
Setting the minimum speed slider to less than 1 crashes the app instantly
Setting the maximum speed slider lower than 5 crashes the app after a few seconds, sometimes instantly.
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Remayz" (Sep 16th 2022, 10:03am)