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Quoted from "sebastian"
My software is supported until 2023, but now I can only upgrade to the X59 version.
The internal version that informs me is the X64 version, but the display is still the X59 version?
I don’t know the reason. And none of the internal versions can read system information such as CPU and GPU speed or temperature...![]()
If you install a build, the highlighter section doesn't show up.
This post has been edited 5 times, last edit by "Jacob" (Dec 17th 2022, 2:48am)
Hi,serious?! you have to pay for the software to make my hardware work? sounds illegal
Amen. wear your tin foil hatThat is correct, it was not disclosed before my purchase; however I think it a lousy business model to require your customers to 'phone home' bow on bended knee all hail the mighty emperor, "may I please use your software sire? I did pay for the privilege by purchasing you hardware"
And I read your privacy policy about how you share information with third parties.
This is the real reason, data collection and marketing.
That is correct, it was not disclosed before my purchase; however I think it a lousy business model to require your customers to 'phone home' bow on bended knee all hail the mighty emperor, "may I please use your software sire? I did pay for the privilege by purchasing you hardware"
And I read your privacy policy about how you share information with third parties.
This is the real reason, data collection and marketing.
This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Methodical" (Jan 4th 2023, 4:17am)
You have always connect the power from the pump with your PSU. Only the aquabus cable ist connected with the aqaubus high or USB.
You can forward the tempeature sensor via aqabus or USB.
Take a look to the detailed manuals in the download section.
This post has been edited 4 times, last edit by "Methodical" (Jan 4th 2023, 12:32pm)